Category: Health Fitness

Acai Berry Vs South Beach Diet – The Truth Revealed About These 2 Hot Secrets To Losing Weight

August 25, 2021

There are so many popular fad diets today, but few only prove anything. Some diet and menu plans are bookish, while others are mere statements. Let’s say we compare the Acai Berry diet vs. South Beach Diet, What Diet Works With Real Promises? It’s hard to say because every diet requires something from the dieter….

How many calories do I burn in a day? How to calculate and increase it!

August 24, 2021

When you decide on your weight loss battle plan, you usually start with the first question: “How many calories am I burning in a day right now? If it’s a lot, then I’m not going to work that hard. If it’s nothing to start with. , then I’ll give up now while I still have…

Five Amazing American Cider Apples

August 23, 2021

Cider was America’s first drink. Not the apple juice we call cider, but real cider … hard cider. In colonial times, the water was not clean enough to drink. The fermentation process the juice must go through before it turns into hard cider kills most pathogenic bacteria. As a result, in those days there was…

Lose water weight overnight

August 22, 2021

How to lose water weight overnight? It is important to note that this post is not about how to lose body fat fast. This post is about how to lose water weight fast. There is a big difference and each topic has uses for different people. If you are someone looking to get rid of…

10 ways to burn an extra 300 calories a day

August 21, 2021

Want to lose extra pounds by burning calories but hate diet food and strenuous exercise? Listed below are the easiest ways to burn an extra 300 calories throughout the day. 1. Dance: Join aerobics classes near you or just tune in to an exercise playlist in your favorite music app and dance a bit at…

How to burn excess body fat from any part of the body!

August 19, 2021

So, you have heard many trainers or gym enthusiasts say that spot reduction is a myth and that you cannot target specific areas of the body to burn fat. Well, they are half correct in the way that you cannot do exercises to achieve point reduction, but there is a way. It is achieved through…

Strength training for runners: the 4 best bodyweight exercises

August 18, 2021

We all know that strength training offers great benefits for runners. It helps us build strength and muscles so we can consistently run in proper running form. Most strength training exercises require certain types of weights, such as kettlebells. But what if you don’t have weights or don’t have time to go to the gym?…

Birthdays come faster every year

August 17, 2021

Our family celebrated birthdays over the weekend and even though we didn’t celebrate my birthday, I thought how quickly birthdays seem to come. I remember birthdays were so “slow” when I was a kid. They looked like years between 12 and 13 years old and decades between 17 and 18 years old. Of course, I…

Do Contour Pillows Really Work?

August 16, 2021

The answer to the question is this: memory foam contour pillows really work according to what they are designed for. A word of caution though: there are many types of contour pillows now available and each has different degrees of success for each user. One type of contour pillow can work wonders for many people,…

6 bad habits that affect baseball and softball hitters

August 15, 2021

One of the most common complaints from players is a lack of power behind the plate. No matter which hitting philosophy you believe in, none of them will help you reach your highest potential if these top 6 bad habits don’t stop in their tracks. This is true for baseball and women’s softball. If you…