Can’t lose weight? Body acidity may be to blame

Obesity is at an all time high in the United States and there is no indication that the numbers are going down. Diet products and programs abound because people are obsessed with losing fat. There are more than 300,000 diet books on the market. Fad diets and gimmicks are everywhere on TV and the Internet; some of which work in the short term, but to lose fat you need to understand the basic cause of weight gain.

If you look at the function of fat, you will find that a moderate amount of fat is not the enemy, you actually need some body fat, in fact, it may be saving your life. Body fat is essential for the normal and healthy functioning of many of the body’s systems, such as the organs, bone marrow, nervous system, and muscles. Body fat is also used for energy.

Body acidity and body fat are intricately linked in a way that is generally unknown to most people. Fat is one of the body’s main defenses used to protect the pH of the blood. pH is a measure that determines the level of acidity or alkalinity. Your blood must maintain a pH of 7.3 to 7.4 to sustain life. And when your body’s overall pH level is low, there’s little oxygen delivery to cells, creating an environment in which disease thrives, setting the stage for many normally healthy processes to turn destructive.

To maintain proper pH levels, the body removes as many acids and toxins as possible through sweating, urination, and bowel movements. When there are more toxins/acids than the body can eliminate, it makes toxic waste storage cells (fat cells) to store them. So you see, fat cells perform an important function for health when they store toxins and excess acid. You may not appreciate the extra fat, but if your pH is out of balance, you may need these fat storage cells to sustain life.

This is an important concept to understand… If you are eating toxic chemical ingredients in food such as artificial sweeteners, MSG, hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup, preservatives or processed foods, or if If you are regularly exposed to other poisons and chemicals, such as chemical-based sunscreens, insect repellents, and body care products, as well as environmental toxins, then your body is working overtime to produce more and more fat cells to store these excessive toxins. That may be the answer to why diet, exercise, and discipline may not solve your weight problems. When it comes to weight loss, you and your body may not have the same goal.

The Environmental Protection Agency recently performed fat biopsies on 400 people. Each and every person tested contained toxins stored in their fat cells, and more than 100 different toxic chemicals were discovered.

Do you want the fatty acids in your body to stick to the walls of your arteries? Probably not. But, when the blood shifts towards acidity, the fatty acids, which would normally be negatively charged, change to positive. Since opposites attract and artery walls are negatively charged, you now have fatty acids that are attracted to artery walls.

Blood pH and Insulin Regulation Another aspect of the acid/fat ratio is that blood pH controls the effectiveness of insulin… and insulin regulation is one of the most important keys to weight maintenance. proper body.

Do you think your weight gain may be related to a thyroid problem? You’re probably right. Iodine is crucial for proper thyroid function, but iodine requires a near perfect pH level to be assimilated. Without adequate levels of iodine, the thyroid will not function at peak performance, opening the door to all sorts of health problems, including weight gain, diabetes, depression, lack of energy, heart attacks, and more.

The Bottom Line Excess acidity throws healthy processes into destructive mode. The body must neutralize and get rid of excess acids/toxins in the blood or risk major health problems.

In essence, one of the healthiest and most effective ways to jumpstart fat loss and maintain a balanced weight can be to detoxify your body and normalize your body’s pH. Acid/Alkali will always be a balancing act. Your body will constantly remove toxins and acids from your system as part of its normal function. But, remember, it’s the excess toxins and acids, above and beyond what the body is naturally capable of handling, that turn into fat cells, causing sometimes inexplicable and difficult weight loss.

How do you know if you are alkaline or acid? A healthy body pH range is between 6.0 and 7.5. A pH of 5.0 would be considered very acidic, and anything above 7.5 would also be outside of the healthy alkaline range. There are many products on the market that test saliva or urine so you can measure your pH level. Ask at your local health food store or go online to find a reliable pH tester or test strips. It’s possible to get too alkaline, so you don’t want to go above 7.5.

Here’s a quick, general reference to the various effects of acidic/alkaline pH levels on the body:

pH level -0 7.0 to 7.5 – Optimum health and energy 6.8- Onset of metabolic acidosis 6.4 – Impaired digestion, difficulty losing weight 6.0- 10 Times less oxygen to cells 5.5 – Extreme acidosis, cancer and degenerative diseases 5.0 – 100 Times less oxygen to cells and threatens life

As you can see, maintaining proper acid/alkaline levels in the body is essential for good health.

Here are some common symptoms of excess acidity:

  • Low energy, frequent colds, flu infections
  • Dehydration
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  • Excess mucus production and nasal congestion.
  • Moods, nervous, irritable
  • Joint pain, arthritis and muscle pain
  • hives and rashes
  • Weak and brittle nails, dry hair and skin, psoriasis
  • leg cramps
  • Acid indigestion, heartburn, nausea
  • Nutrient malabsorption

So where do you start?

You can successfully correct body acidity with diet and lifestyle changes that include eating healthy natural foods, taking supplements that help alkalize the system, and incorporating some type of oxygenating exercise into your routine.

If you make some changes to your eating habits and lifestyle, and pay attention to eating foods and products that are particularly alkalizing, then your body will naturally retain its proper balance and there will be no need to produce these unwanted protective fat cells. Make no mistake, food additives are toxins, they are chemicals, and your body sees them as toxins. This is why processed foods are so dangerous.

Drinking plenty of fresh, purified water will help flush toxins out of your body, as they will be expelled in your urine. Sweating also helps eliminate toxins.

You should strive to eat a diet that is 80% alkaline-forming foods and 20% acid-forming foods. There are many books and charts available that list acid-forming and alkali-forming foods to help you choose the best foods. All vegetables are alkalizing, especially green leafy ones.

Investing in a quality juicer with the ability to juice vegetables is a great way to get more alkalizing greens. You can use the leftover pulp in soups or salads (a couple tablespoons of pulp is a great way to add texture to an olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing).

If you don’t have time for juices, there are plenty of green products on the market, like Vital Earth Minerals’ Vital Greens. For additional help in alkalizing the body and flushing out toxins before they become fat cells, Vital Earth Minerals’ Fulvic Mineral Complex is a powerful, all-natural detoxifying and alkalizing agent. Fulvic rapidly destroys acids in body fluids and increases the body’s ability to absorb oxygen.

The benefits of an alkaline body are far-reaching Viruses and diseases cannot survive in an alkaline environment, such as arthritis, cancer and diabetes.

Because this is a very complex topic, our goal with this report is to stimulate your interest in the topic and encourage you to explore it further. There is a lot of information available online, as well as many excellent books on acid/alkali. Good health is all about balance, and pH levels are something that can have an immediate and positive effect on your health if you put in the effort.

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