Month: May 2023

Eliminate your discomfort with change

May 31, 2023

“In a world of change, apprentices will inherit the land, while scholars will find themselves perfectly prepared for a world that is no more.” – Eric Hoffer I saw this quote on someone’s Instagram account the other day and it really started to dawn on me that some people are really going to be left…

Unique Work – Traveling the Spiritual Path

May 31, 2023

For the past few years I have struggled to get (and stay) in shape. OK, I admit it, the fight has been longer than just a couple years. As a boy, instead of playing nice with the girls, he would fight with the neighborhood boys. I tried to join in on the fun with him…

India: 2014 Patent Highlights

May 31, 2023

The year 2014 turned many of our established patent principles upside down, and unlike previous years, some stunning rulings came from high courts across the country, not just Delhi. Earlier this year, Justice Ramasubramaniam defined various provisions of the Indian Patent Act and laid out the principles on how a patent trial should be conducted…

Find your inner child at Disneyland Paris

May 31, 2023

Disneyland Paris may not be every parent’s cup of tea, but kids certainly love it. The chance to meet your favorite characters from Disney’s ever-growing catalogue, as well as enjoy the themed attractions, shows and entertainment will feel like a wish come true, regardless of what your caretakers think. That said, even the grumpiest of…

When Cable and DSL Fail, Satellite Internet Service May Be Your Only Option

May 31, 2023

Satellite Internet service, as its name indicates, is Internet access that is obtained through a satellite dish. The advantage is that no matter where you are in the world, you can get satellite service by installing a satellite dish. Therefore, no matter how rural or remote the location, Internet access is possible. Television stations use…

Spring cleaning tips to clear clutter and how to turn some of your junk into cash

May 31, 2023

Do you have too many things? Especially too many books, CDs, DVDs, games, etc.? Sometimes it’s hard to let go. Read on for some ideas that can help you get rid of excess books. I have my own challenges with too many things. The thing is, I really like my books. I’ve also invested a…

The Secret World Funeral Crasher Mission Walkthrough

May 31, 2023

Today we are looking at another quest that was included in the latest 1.1 patch for The Secret World. This one is called ‘The Funeral Crasher’ and it’s fun but it can be a bit tricky. Before we start, be aware that there will be spoilers, so if you don’t want spoilers, make sure you…

Creme de corp pentru piele sensibilă și iritată

May 31, 2023

pentru piele sensibilă și iritată O loțiune de corp bună este esențială pentru menținerea pielii sănătoase, dar este deosebit de importantă pentru persoanele care au pielea sensibilă și iritată. Afecțiunea rezultă adesea dintr-o barieră a pielii deteriorată care permite iritanților și alergenilor să pătrundă în stratul exterior, ducând la simptome precum mâncărime, roșeață, inflamație și…

How to send Paypal payments using your credit card

May 31, 2023

Paypal, owned by eBay, is a great way to send payments for eBay items or anything purchased over the Internet. Within minutes, you can send payments around the world. However, Paypal also has its fair share of critics and members who disagree with their policies and agreements, especially when a decision goes against the member…

Is it a struggle for you to order? 3 mistakes you may be making and what to do instead

May 31, 2023

You decide it’s time to tidy up your house. You are full of enthusiasm and energy. But after a while you hardly see a tooth in the piles. You get discouraged and quit. If you’ve made any of the mistakes below, you could be sabotaging yourself. Learn what to do instead and you’ll be on…