What is Self Discovery?

Self Discovery

What is self discovery and why is it important? The concept of self-discovery is the natural outgrowth of a person’s individual growth and experience. It is not something that someone goes through and comes to with age or culture. It is the constant, ongoing process of our becoming aware of our true Self.


Our ego will always attempt to block this awareness. We try to mask it with concepts like “I’m good in bed,” or “My parents are special,” or even “my job is secure.” But this sort of self-delusion only serves to protect us from our true Self. The longer we live in a world of concepts, the more convinced we are of our false version of Who we are, the more difficult it becomes to face and change our habits and behaviors that make us feel trapped and unhappy.

How do you go about discovering your Self? Meditation and contemplation are two common tools. Both involve examining your inner voice and utilizing it to explore the possibilities of who you really are. Meditation cultivates focus and clears the mind, allowing you to access the Self. Contemplation involves visualizing your Self, your body, and everything around you as you become aware of your surroundings, including yourself.

What is Self Discovery?

In the art of learning who you really are, you learn about the nature of your emotions, talents, and strengths. The more you understand yourself, the easier it becomes to modify your behavior and reactions to things in life. This requires the willingness to change your view of what is best and worst about yourself. It also requires the willingness to get past the illusion of having perfect attributes. You don’t have to walk around with a dorky nose and protruding chin.

Why is self-discovery so important? Self-discovery allows you to grow as an individual. You learn to value yourself more, to honor your strengths and weaknesses, and to develop and pursue your talents. It empowers you to make important life decisions that will affect your future. It teaches you to make lasting relationships, to live up to your potential, and to trust yourself enough to try new things and to be bold enough to laugh at failures and to look at failure as a chance for growth.

So, what is self discovery? Self improvement is a lifelong process, one that continues long after you reach your goals. It involves changing your view of who you are, what you want out of life, and how to create the life you deserve. Self discovery can empower you to go after your dreams, to climb great mountains, and to build great walls. On the other hand, if you are like most people, it’s mostly a source of frustration and a short-term memory loss.

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