Subject matter in fiction: so different from nonfiction

The issue is why fiction matters, because it is the quality that gives the story universal appeal. Some say that the theme is what the story is about, but that is too fleeting a definition, which can be confused with the idea or the plot.

The theme enriches and inspires the reader while saying something profound about the human condition. The theme is the abstract concept behind the story that forms the heart and soul of the story that the exposition, dialogue, and action reflect every chance they get.

The issue is not the characters, the plot, or the original idea that started the story. For example, a writer may begin with the idea of ​​exploring family relationships between women, but as her story progresses, her theme may take the form of forgiveness and understanding between different generations of women.

The theme is implied, sometimes without the writer knowing it at first; however, more experienced writers often work more on their topic than on any other part of the story once they realize what they are writing about.

In nonfiction, the writer is advised to hone his topic and start addressing it from the first paragraph. In fiction, on the other hand, the theme often blossoms through the writing as the story progresses.

An experienced and capable author never utters what his subject is about within his story. For a story to be successful, its theme must remain invisible but subtly hinted at through other fictional devices.

The theme is most visible in the greater choice of protagonist in a story. The easiest way to identify a topic is to put it in the form of a question. Here the question to be asked is: what is the protagonist’s greatest emotional decision to resolve the conflict in the story?

For example, if we take “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens, the main identifying theme may take the form of this question: Can one sacrifice one’s life for the one one loves? In the same story, many minor themes are also intertwined, such as life and death, resurrection, revolution, justice and revenge, war and peace, and power or abuse of power, since many works fiction have several secondary themes that surround the main theme.

If the subject involves an emotion, its power becomes universal. When the writer creates and dramatizes his theme through emotion, his expression of the truth leaves an unforgettable impact on the reader. Thus, an ambitious writer can choose one emotion as the main part of his theme.

Another common technique is to hint at the topic in the dialogue, but the risk here is to become too obvious. Although this can be done successfully by an experienced author, the beginning writer should try to avoid letting the topic slip through dialogue.

A widely used way to demonstrate a theme is through the actions of the protagonist and the antagonist, showing the antagonist the dark side of the theme and the protagonist the positive side.

Communicating both sides of the argument equally, sometimes through both the antagonist and the protagonist, can define the issue with more impact. In Les Miserables, our softer side may stay with Jean Valjean, but we also see the righteousness in Inspector Javert.

Another way to emphasize the theme is through all the characters in a story, with each character representing one aspect of the theme, as in The Godfather stories when the theme of power is presented with each character representing another facet of power.

In the presentation of the theme you can also refer to the theme in images, accessories, colors, settings and recurring situations. The color red in the movie American Beauty gives an important clue in presenting the main theme of the story, as it plays on the emotions of the viewer every time it is shown.

Even when the plot is something out of the writer’s imagination that may not involve us emotionally, the story becomes unforgettable if the theme is made known. We may not be so interested in the intergalactic triumph of Luke Skywalker as in good defeating evil. Subject matter is very important to the overall success of any piece of fiction. When handled skillfully, it will become a faithful servant to any writer.

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