Network Marketing Training: Why Your Downline Isn’t Working Out

So, you’ve personally sponsored 9 people… You’ve been showing presentations and actively building YOUR business, but all the people you’ve sponsored aren’t doing anything! I mean, the value of them, right? So why aren’t these people taking action and what can YOU do about it!?

Well the first thing to realize in this industry is that MOST of the people who come into your business will NOT do anything. And that is a fact. If everyone who entered a network marketing company did the actions required to build their business, we would all be rich. This is what separates the people who COULD have and the people who DID.

Why aren’t they doing anything? Well first thing is training. You need to make sure all your new reps are connected to a training platform that WORKS and is easy to learn from. If your new reps come in their first week and you hand them a textbook and say “do this and call me when you’re financially independent”… guess what? You have a representative who is going to resign.

You want to make sure you start with the basics (how to create LEADS and how to get information about your opportunity to those prospects). You could be EXCELLENT at training and following up after the presentation… but if no one comes forward to the presentation, you have NO business. So make sure your people get the training they need.

The next reason most people don’t do anything in their business is lack of motivation or lack of self-confidence. If they look at the successful people in their company and say to themselves, “Oh, I could NEVER do what they did”… you have a problem. You need to make sure your group is MOTIVATED and that you are instilling BELIEF in them at every company meeting, seminar, and event.

No matter what business you are involved in, be sure to promote the personal development of your team. They need to be working on themselves MORE than they are working on their business. And if they’re not working on your business at all, it means they’re not working enough on themselves.

If you (and your group members) are going to become leaders and eventually “Kingpins” of your company, you all need to make sure you’re working on yourselves. Plant positive seeds of dreams, goals, success, and confidence in your group. DON’T give them the guilty feeling of “Okay, you don’t have to build your business. Stay at your job and stay broke.” And I see so many people in this industry taking this chauvinistic attitude and having a part of their group quit overnight. This is not the way to do it.

Why? Well (again) if you’ve been in network marketing for any length of time, you’ll notice that MOST people don’t build their business. They come to meetings and buy products. But they don’t build your business. But that also means that most of your sales volume in your group will come from your loyal fans. So instead of putting pressure on these people to take action, just be patient. Encourage and encourage them. Empower them using positive words and encouragement. Encourage them to dream and believe in themselves.

Understand that your downline is not performing because they need to get the required training and they need to believe in themselves enough to take action. You can get them to take action over time by encouraging and encouraging them. But you must be patient. And what happens when you have sponsored 9 people and they are not doing anything? Sponsor some more. Be patient and keep going.

Yours in success,

adam holland

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