Medical conditions that affect female fertility

Doctors are aware of a number of medical conditions that can affect fertility. Some directly inhibit the reproductive process, others are not so obviously related.

Many of these conditions can be treated with varying degrees of success and improving your overall health and fitness can go a long way in overcoming your infertility.


Fibroids are more common than many women realize. Since they don’t necessarily cause symptoms, they often go undetected. They are not cancerous and grow in or on the wall of the womb.

It is quite common for a woman to live with fibroids for many years, but they can cause infertility. Some fibroids are known to cause miscarriage as well.

Blocked fallopian tubes

Between the ovaries and the uterus travel the fallopian tubes. The sperm must pass through these tubes to reach the egg. The fallopian tube also functions as a temporary home for the fertilized egg for a week or so.

If for any reason these ducts become blocked, this is a serious problem and usually the only solution is a medical procedure.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

PCOS is one of the main reasons why some women stop ovulating. For many women experiencing extreme cases of PCOS is a very harrowing experience.

Symptoms of this syndrome include weight gain, skin problems, lack of menstruation, unsightly body hair, increased susceptibility to mood swings.

There are some other conditions, such as endometriosis, in which the lining of the uterus grows in places other than the uterus. This can be a very painful condition.

Celiac disease is caused by intolerance to gluten which has the effect of preventing food from being properly absorbed. Fatigue, weight loss, anemia, bloating, and greasy, foul-smelling stools are signs of celiac disease.

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