Deep scar acne: treatments for deep scar acne

If you are looking for a treatment for deep acne scars on your skin, there are several options to choose from. What is best for you will depend on your skin and the type of scar you have.

Dermabrasion and chemical peels

Dermabrasion is a technique performed by a plastic surgeon, sometimes in conjunction with a chemical peel. It removes the top layer of skin on the premise that the new skin underneath will be free of scars.

It can take a long time for the skin to heal after this treatment and sometimes reacts poorly to the process. Some people end up with more abrasion scars than acne scars. In darker skinned people, it can cause pigmentation changes that take a long time to go away. It is also very expensive.

Dermabrasion is very difficult to control and can go wrong even in the most skilled hands. Think hard before deciding on this treatment.

Microdermabrasion is a gentler technique that can be performed by a dermatologist or even a beauty salon rather than by a plastic surgeon. It is not very likely to cause new scars, but it will only be effective on scars that were already light.

Punch grafts

This is a surgical treatment for pitted acne scars that involves removing the scar area and inserting a graft, usually taken from behind the ear. You will be given a local anesthetic. Removal is quick and even graft placement does not take long. The treated area will be dressed for a week and then it will heal steadily.

Sometimes punch grafts are used on deep scars before applying a chemical peel or dermabrasion to smooth the area.

This technique works best on deep but small ice pick type scars. It is not as effective on large areas of scarring.

Collagen injections

Collagen is a substance that the body produces when forming and repairing skin. It can be injected into scarred areas to aid the process. Think of it like Botox – it stuffs the flesh under the skin so the scar is hidden, but it’s a temporary measure. Within 6 months, the injected collagen will be reabsorbed by the body and if the scar has not healed on its own in that time, it will be visible again. Then I would need another treatment.

Collagen can be of human or livestock origin. Cow collagen is cheaper but cannot be used in some people, for example if you have an autoimmune disease that includes type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and many other conditions.

Laser treatment

Laser treatment for scars can be very effective, but it is probably the most expensive treatment out there. Expect to pay $ 300 to $ 500 per session. For some types of scars, one treatment is sufficient, but for others it may take up to 10 sessions.

Laser treatments for acne scars vary depending on the type of laser used. Some are aimed at smoothing the skin, others are to reduce redness. Carbon dioxide laser treatment actually removes the affected tissue. Stronger types of laser treatment can cause redness that can last for several months.

When you understand your options, you should consult with a dermatologist to help you choose which deep acne scar treatment is best for your situation.

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