Dangers of Vitamin B12 Deficiency: Can Vitamin B12 Supplements Help You?

There are three main groups that are at higher risk for the dangers of vitamin B12 deficiency. They are: 1) people over 55 years of age; 2) chronic patients; and 3) strict vegetarians who have chosen not to eat any animal products. If you belong to one of these groups, the information in this article is for you. If your doctor has diagnosed you with a vitamin B12 deficiency, links are provided at the end of this article for you to purchase the necessary B12 supplement from a reputable and reliable supplier.

Vitamin B12 is important for many of the body’s functions. One of its main functions is to help in the production of red blood cells that are necessary to carry oxygen to all cells in the body. When vitamin B12 is deficient, young blood cells do not develop properly and therefore cannot do their job.

To maintain good health, it is important to know the signs of vitamin B12 deficiency. Early diagnosis by a qualified healthcare professional will help reduce the risk of preventable complications.

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency

Since very little B12 is needed by the body, and any additional B12 that is ingested is stored by the liver for later use, signs of deficiency can take a long time to become apparent. Anemia can be a symptom of vitamin B12 deficiency. Symptoms of anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency include:

— lack of energy

— dizziness

— get out of breath with minimal effort

— pale skin tone

— easily bruised

— weightloss

— intestinal problems

These symptoms can be masked by taking folate. However, if the underlying vitamin B12 deficiency is not corrected, permanent nerve damage can result. For this reason, it is recommended that whenever anemia is suspected, consult a qualified healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment.

Causes of B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 is available to us from eating animal products: beef, fish, dairy, eggs. Most people have no problem meeting their body’s needs for vitamin B12.

Older people and people with chronic illnesses may find that their bodies cannot absorb, and therefore cannot use, the vitamin B12 found in their food. This is usually due to your body’s inability to make enough intrinsic factor, a substance produced by the stomach that is essential for the absorption of vitamin B12.

In the case of strict vegans, vitamin B12 deficiency is due to their conscious dietary choices.

Supplementing with pharmaceutical vitamin B12 can help correct these deficiencies and protect you from serious medical complications.

Vitamin B12 Supplements

Like all vitamins, vitamin B12 is essential for the human body to function normally. If B12 in food is not available, then pharmaceutical B12 supplementation is a viable alternative.

Vitamin B12 supplements come in a variety of forms: pills, liquid for injection, sublingual (under the tongue) tablets, patches, etc. However, before taking any supplement, consult your doctor for a professional diagnosis and treatment plan.

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