Category: Health Fitness

Health and Sugar – Extra Frosting on the Cake

February 19, 2023

America has a sugar problem, and it’s getting bigger every day. Did you know that an estimated one in four people has diabetes or is in a pre-diabetic condition? In 1801, historians estimated that sugar consumption per person was about 8.4 pounds of sugar per year, which translates to about 2.2 teaspoons per day. Current…

How To Boost Your Weight Loss With 6 Simple Exercises

February 18, 2023

Before thinking about losing weight, the first thing to ask yourself is: do you need to do it? There are many basic ways to assess for yourself whether you are overweight, severely obese, or just healthy. Most of them are based on simple ratios of height and weight, of which the most widely used method…

What is better: walking or running?

February 17, 2023

I walk briskly for an hour a day to help keep my weight down and my cardiovascular fitness. Why not run instead of walk, you ask? Well, with my back it’s still not 100%, even though the surgery was six years ago; coupled with very bad knees, walking was the logical choice! However, I have…

How to Get Out of Bed After Stomach Surgery – 7 steps

February 16, 2023

Stomach surgery, also called bariatric or weight loss surgery, involves any of a number of digestive system procedures designed to help the patient lose weight. Some types of stomach surgery involve placing a plastic band around the stomach, while others involve the use of staples. Still others have to do with the redirection of food…

How much protein do you need to build muscle?

February 15, 2023

How much protein do you need to build muscle? I think there has been disagreement on this for the last 100 years. In fact, ever since man (or woman) first lifted a rock, he’s pressed it into the bench and struck a monster-sized, most muscular pose; There has been a clash between the “eat until…

Exercising in confinement WITHOUT equipment and with very little space

February 14, 2023

Being stuck in our houses and not being able to go for a walk or change our minds can be a big problem for many of us, and after a while of lounging on the couch and watching reruns on TV, we start to feel like moving around and doing that. our blood circulates again….

The basics and benefits of delicious vegetarian sandwiches

February 13, 2023

Veggie sandwiches are delicious, guilt-free masterpieces that are just as filling as their meaty counterparts once done right. Best of all, they allow for a lot of creativity and some of the tastiest recipes can be derived from the simplest of ingredients. Added to this, the constant addition of new foods and their variations to…

What Are the Benefits of Career Testing For Students and Recent Graduates?

February 13, 2023

Benefits of Career Testing For Students and Recent Graduates Career testing is a tool that can be used by students and recent graduates to determine their personal strengths and weaknesses and to assess their marketable skills in an unbiased way. This can be especially useful if students are uncertain about what they want to do…

Isolation of body parts vs. Complex Movements in Strength Training – Build Real Muscle Instead of Fake!

February 12, 2023

Working as a fitness professional, I get one type of question all the time that shows that many people are missing the big picture regarding the benefits of strength training. This popular question usually goes something like this: “What exercise can I do to isolate my _______ (insert muscle of your choice: abs, quads, biceps,…

Jack LaLanne’s diet and exercise routine

February 11, 2023

The famous diet and exercise routine of Francois Henri LaLanne (1914-2011) paved the way for him to become an icon of American health. He opened the first public gym in Oakland, California, and is best known for his television fitness show. However, he started out as a junk food addict as a child until he…