Writing the Middle Grade Novel: From Beginning to End: Part Two

In Part 1 of this 3-part article, you learned how to start your novel. Now here are some tips and tricks for plotting and writing his novel.

1. When plotting your novel, start at the end and work your way to the beginning.. Where do you want your main character to end up at the end of the story? What will have achieved and how will this character have changed at the end of the story?

Think of some big climactic event for your novel and create a “ticking clock” for your main character to solve the overall problem of the story before time runs out (things need to happen quickly so you can keep up the dramatic tension). along the history).

2. Write your book cover flap copy: Just a paragraph or two that lets the reader know what the story will be about. By summarizing this, YOU too will get a better idea of ​​EXACTLY what your story is about.

3. Below, find out all the steps your main character will take to get to the end. First, where does your character start? What is it that he wants more than anything? What happens next to shake things up a bit and make it a bit harder for your main character to get what he wants?

4. Turn your plot into a chapter outline. Try to start with a 12 chapter outline, although your story may end up being longer than 12 chapters. But 12 chapters keep it manageable at first. This will also help you create your story in 3 acts of 4 chapters each.

5. As you create your outline, keep the plot triangle in mind. Introduce your characters and setting in the bottom left of the triangle. Then create a building action as you develop problems for your main character (your story in motion starts the triangle like this). All of these issues lead up to the climax of your story (which is at the top of the triangle). Generally, plan the climax for chapter 10 or 11 of the story, then settle everything in the final chapter or so.

6. For each chapter, think about what MUST happen to get your main character closer to the climax and end of the story. You’ll be thinking about more complications from the antagonist or other external events as you do this, so don’t worry about having all of this in place from the start.

7. As you outline, think in terms of scenes you can create for each chapter. Plan for 1-3 different scenes per chapter, for the most part. Think about your main character. Based on who he or she is, how can you use other characters to create an interesting subplot? In the middle grade, you don’t want too many subplots and they should be pretty simple.

Follow these tips to create a compelling plot for your story and avoid the broken middle ground! Then read Part 3 of Writing the Middle Grade Novel: From Start to Finish with tips for finishing your manuscript.

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