Will court reporter jobs disappear?

Court officials say replacing court reporters with digital recordings could mean higher costs for taxpayers, and could also mean less accurate court transcripts.

The senior resident judge of the high court stated that he was not opposed to replacing live court reporters with digital recorders. However, he felt there was a bit of a way to go with the technology to fully implement it.

The National Center for State Courts conducted the study.

The Administrative Office of Courts released a report saying that the recorders should be used in court proceedings that are more severe in nature, such as civil and criminal court proceedings in the High Court. However, digital recorders are used in many counties for most District Court proceedings.

If digital recording becomes the new standard, it will replace 100 court reporter jobs, including 2 in Robeson County.

The office that runs the court system (the Administrative Office of Courts) recently conducted a study on the salary and demand for court reporters after a request came in from the General Assembly a year ago. An estimated $2 million would be saved if private reporters were hired according to the suit and recording equipment was installed in courtrooms. According to the plan of the Senate! The state’s staff of 100 reporters would be cut in half and reduce the state’s budget.

John Smith, the Director of the Administrative Office of Courts stated that the agency is not out to get rid of live court reporters. However, according to The News & Observer of Raleigh, there should be a “gradual transition to a proper mix.” This means that there must be use of digital recordings and live recorders. Complex cases should be reserved for live court reporters and routine matters would be digital recordings.

Robeson County judges, court reporters, the district attorney, public defender and others representing local courts recently met with the state Senator. Michael Walters and State Rep. Charles Graham, both of Robeson County, and James L. Boles Jr., of Moore County, to voice their concerns. Boles is co-chair of the House Justice and Public Safety Appropriations Committee, while Graham is a member of the committee.

There was a meeting recently that included the Senator (Michael Walters), the State Representative (Charles Graham), court reporters, the District Attorney, and the Public Defender to discuss the new proposed changes for Robeson County.

On the other hand, there are other officials who oppose the use of digital recorders no matter what.

Walters also expressed concern about the recommendation.

Even after hearing all the selling points, some people still don’t buy it.

Accuracy has become a major interest for Walters.

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