What are the benefits of pelvic health physiotherapy during pregnancy?

benefits of pelvic health physiotherapy

Pregnancy is a strenuous time for any body and it is particularly straining for the muscles in the pelvic region. This is where pelvic health physiotherapy can help. The pelvic floor muscles (PFM) play an important role in facilitating normal bladder and bowel function and also help control pelvic movement. However, the hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause these muscles to weaken, leading to urinary leakage and other symptoms. It is therefore crucial that these muscles are properly trained to ensure a healthy pregnancy and delivery. A pelvic physiotherapy program can provide significant benefits to both the mother and baby.

In addition to improving bladder and bowel function, a good Pelvic Health Physiotherapy East Sheen training program can also help reduce back pain, increase or improve sexual sensation and help to prepare for labor and childbirth. In fact, a recent study found that pregnant women who participated in a pelvic floor muscle training programme had fewer incidents of incontinence than those who did not.

To assess the strength of your pelvic floor muscles, your physical therapist may use a technique called digital palpation. This involves inserting your index and middle fingers into the vaginal introitus to feel the muscle contract. Your PT will grade the contraction on a scale of 0-5, with 0 indicating no contraction and 5 indicating a very strong contracture. This evaluation is performed in private, one-on-one, and your comfort and privacy are always a priority.

What are the benefits of pelvic health physiotherapy during pregnancy?

During the sessions, your physical therapist will create a customized care plan that may include exercises to strengthen and stretch your pelvic muscles. The therapist may also use other modalities such as electrical stimulation to stimulate or relax the muscles and ice packs to help decrease pain. The therapist may also teach you relaxation and breathing techniques to assist with your pelvic muscles during contractions and ease the labour and delivery process.

As the baby’s due date approaches, your therapist will continue to help you train your pelvic muscles for childbirth. They will guide you through exercises that help ensure the pelvis is aligned and provide you with tools to encourage the baby to adopt an optimal position for the labour and delivery. The goal of pelvic health physiotherapy is to help you live a healthier, more active lifestyle and give you the confidence that you can safely and successfully carry your baby to term.

If you are experiencing pelvic pain or are worried about incontinence issues, contact us at Ability Rehabilitation to book an appointment. Our Physiotherapists will provide you with an accurate diagnosis, educate you about your condition and treatment options, and support you throughout your recovery. Call us at 020 7446 3726 or book online. We look forward to hearing from you!

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