Tips for Fixing Nails in Drywall

It is very common for screws in drywall to loosen over time. This effect of bubbles, blisters or bumps on the walls is due to the drywall pushing out the heads of the screws or nails as they move. This is known as nail pops in the drywall industry. This is usually a sign that your walls may need fresh paint and plaster work.

For premature nail pops, you can sometimes repair them without professional help. For larger or more complex jobs, a professional drywall contractor is your best resource, retaining all the proper tools, equipment, and training. If you want to fix some nails around the house on your own, read on to learn some tips for doing it!

Nail repair

To repair nail pops in your drywall, you will need a few supplies. You may already have most of these supplies on hand, and anything you don’t have can be found at your local hardware or home improvement store. This is what you will need:

  • Beam finder (optional)
  • Hammer (or nail awl)
  • 2 drywall screws
  • Screwdriver
  • Gypsum mud
  • Drywall Knife
  • Sandpaper (200 grit is fine)
  • Paint and primer

To get started, make sure you have all the necessary tools and supplies so you don’t have to stop in the middle to take a trip to the store. Once you have everything you need, start by locating the frame around the nail popping area. Use your fingers to hit the wall until you can hear a solid reverb instead of a hollow one. You can also use a beam finder. Once you find a clearer sound, tap each side to make sure it sounds hollow. If this happens, then you have located the frame.

Next, use the drywall screws to reattach the loose drywall to the frame. Place each screw 2 to 3 inches above and below the nail. Then use your hammer to press the nail against the wall. Perform this step carefully so as not to make a hole or dent in the wall.

Use the drywall knife to remove any excess drywall material that has peeled or crumbled. Then use the drywall mud to coat the screw heads on the wall. Two layers should do the trick. Follow the instructions or search for tutorials online on how to apply drywall mud.

Lastly, use your sandpaper to sand the mud off the drywall until it is even and smooth. Then just finish the job with a new coat of primer and paint.

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