The best way to look good every day

Some people think that looking good is about being perfectly groomed, wearing the latest fashions, and looking like you just stepped out of the pages of a fabulous magazine. But there are plenty of people who don’t fit any of those criteria, who may even seem a bit wild, quirky and frumpy at times, and yet something about them means they always look great.

What does it take to look good, what is the best way to look good every day?

– The top of many people’s attractive list is a ready smile and a cheerful disposition. Someone who is warm, friendly, and enjoys life generates an inner glow and radiance that lights up everything and everyone around them.

– Be someone who is prepared to say yes, that you are excited, join and be willing to try. Most of the time, people who take advantage of opportunities will look good because that mindset breeds commitment and a willingness to live life to the fullest. Attractive people often have a genuine interest in life and what it brings.

– Start developing good habits and maintain a positive mindset focusing on the good things that happen each day, even the little things like a smile from a stranger, a compliment, a thoughtful gesture, the view from your window. When you begin to treasure the finer things in life, the resulting happy outlook will help you look your best each day.

– Learn not to take things personally. Another person’s bad mood or unwarranted outburst may be because they have a situation of their own that needs to be addressed. Reflect on what happened, try stepping back a bit, and decide how to respond. When you break up, you can determine how to proceed next, as well as take care of how you want to feel afterward.

– Take care of yourself. Good health is an important factor in looking good. Exercise regularly and follow a healthy regimen, with breaks for good nutrition and plenty of water. The importance of sleep is often underestimated, but respect that quality sleep is a key part of processing the day’s activities. We often feel better, have a more positive outlook on life when we have “fallen asleep”. Many people work long hours and hope to catch up on sleep on weekends or vacations, but try to introduce good habits; turn off the technology and commit to winding down for a couple of hours before bed. Relax, get a good night’s sleep, and invest in looking good every day.

– Be kind to yourself. Forgive yourself your shortcomings and mistakes. Yes, there may be problems and situations that need to be dealt with, things that are messy, that cause stress. Try to deal with them quickly; it is usually less stressful than anticipated. Value constructive criticism. Decide if there is validity to what has been said, a learning point that you could benefit from. Treat yourself with the same compassion you would give someone else, then give yourself credit for your kinder approach.

– Do not underestimate the role of professional help when dealing with your ‘demons’, negative patterns of behavior or any problems you may have. Use a good counselor or hypnotherapist and help yourself become stronger and more confident. Reacting badly to stress, situations, and other people can become a habit, and sometimes we need help to change that and learn to cope better.

– Accept help. Let your friends, family or colleagues be supportive and gracious with their ideas and input. You may even need to ask for help at times, suggesting things you need to make your life easier, especially if you’ve always been independent. But mutual support can improve relationships, spark new ideas, and forge important bonds and connections. Communicate regularly and invest time and attention in your special relationships. Welcome the closeness and feel part of your team.

– Some people find that they are always in a hurry in the mornings. They have so much to study in the first hour of each day that they are already exhausted and out of it by the time they get to work. Going early can best allow you to get up earlier, with time to start your day off right. You could do some stretching, 30 minutes of yoga, maybe get off the bus a stop early and walk part of the way. Then you can take some time and have a drink, maybe some breakfast and start the day in a more relaxed and positive frame of mind, looking better as a result.

– Reflect on how your appearance, the impression you give, the image you portray. Many of us adopt a ‘uniform’ every day to get dressed quickly, fit in with our colleagues and get on with our lives. We may buy new items on and off, but let’s answer honestly, if you were to really look at yourself, you’d say ‘wow, not bad’ or ‘maybe could use a makeover’! Try to impartially assess your style. Maybe take a selfie. Are you a bit dated, need to freshen up your image or modify your look to better suit your current lifestyle? Makeup can also be a factor; many women wear the same look for years, however, most department stores employ makeup consultants who are happy to give you advice on how to update your image. Visit a different hairdresser or barber and benefit from having a new pair of eyes combed.

– Schedule some fun. Some times of the year can seem gloomier than others. If you’re short on cash, lonely, or overwhelmed with commitments, it can seem like there are few opportunities to have fun any time soon. Plan a get-together, maybe once every few weeks, where you invite friends, neighbors, colleagues to catch up. It could be card or soccer night, a dinner where everyone brings a bottle or a plate, or even a local concert or dance. Money doesn’t have to be a major part of the fun. Having people around you for coffee or a walk together can help you feel more positive, outgoing, and inject some sociability into your life. And having something in your journal to look forward to can really lift your spirits.

– Do things that make you feel happy. Even if you only have a little free time, try to make sure you find a corner in your day where you read a book or indulge in a hobby or special interest. Maybe go to bed a little earlier and spend time listening to music or find a stimulating night class. When you find time for the things that make you feel happy, you’ll find that you look better as a result.

Looking good doesn’t just come from being clean, neat, and well-groomed. It is also important to invest time and attention in our mental and emotional well-being.

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