The best sunglasses for people with long eyelashes

If you’re lucky enough to be blessed with long eyelashes, you’ll likely have a hard time finding a pair of sunglasses that are comfortable enough to wear. Many styles of sunglasses don’t suit people with ultra-long eyelashes. The result is often a lot of discomfort as the eyelashes hit the sunglasses lenses with each blink. This is not only annoying, but could also cause the tabs to break. However, all hope is not lost because there are actually some types of sunglasses that will work perfectly for people with long eyelashes.

How to buy sunglasses if you have long eyelashes

If you really want the best assistance, you should visit your local sunglass retailer so they can help you choose a perfect-fitting pair. However, it can be much easier to find great deals online that can help you save a lot of money. If this is the case, pay attention to the size of the sunglasses. Some websites will actually list the measurements to help you identify a best size for your face. If a retailer doesn’t list that information, you can try calling their customer service department for help.

Sunglasses to look for if you have long eyelashes

To start your quest for sunglasses that won’t break your lashes or bother you, you have to think big. Big, oversized sunglasses are a great option for those with long eyelashes. The lenses are big enough and sit far back enough to the point where they don’t normally interfere with the eyelashes. Some designer brands to consider include Versace, Prada, and Dolce & Gabbana.

Another popular style that you may be interested in is the aviator style. The lenses of these glasses are not completely round and are a bit elongated compared to traditional sunglasses. This usually means there is more space between the eyelashes and the lens of the sunglasses.

One last option to consider

If you don’t like aviator sunglasses and don’t have the money to spend on a great pair of designer sunglasses, there’s still something you can do to help. Curling your eyelashes with an eyelash curler will cause the tips of your eyelashes to curl upwards. This will create more space between your lashes and the lenses of your sunglasses because your lashes won’t stick out. Curling them can shorten them enough that you can wear almost any pair of sunglasses you want. It’s just a quick and easy option to consider if you’re having trouble finding a pair of sunglasses to suit your long eyelashes.

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