The art of mentalism and seduction

Some people have found it strange that none of the so-called seduction gurus or dating coaches have ever learned how to effectively incorporate the art of mentalism into the methods they use and teach, even to themselves. Until recently there was no way to unleash the full power of mentalism in a way that would enhance your love and sex life. The good news is that now men everywhere could finally have the resources, knowledge and understanding they need to use one of the most powerful forms of persuasion known to man to improve their love lives now that the quest to bring the community seduction apprenticeships in full expression with the hammer of mentalism has begun.

The reason why mentalism is so relevant to seduction is due to the principles of perception. As they say in the mentalist community, PERCEPTION IS REALITY! And of course, mentalism is the art of creating someone’s perception (or interpretation) of their experience of reality in your presence. Just think what that means! How many times, for example, has a woman you really liked rejected you even though everything else was going well, or better yet, has a woman obviously loved you too but then just disappeared or turned completely cold to you? Her perception of being with you doesn’t have any convincing enough meaning to make her want to move on. That’s why there’s such a big everything in the traditional dating and seduction advice industry and why mentalism is the only cure.

So how does mentalism work? Well, let’s use you (the reader) as an example to illustrate the power of mentalism. People obviously behave according to the state of mind they are in and in response to what happens to them. If you’re in a good mood, your behavior will reflect that, but anyone could change their mood and therefore their behavior by making certain things happen to them. For example, your boss might put you in a good mood by offering you the promotion at work over everyone else who was vying for him or he might put you in a bad mood by constantly criticizing and being overly critical with every little move you make. . It is important to note that in such situations, he would be the one in control of the changes in your mood and what things mean to you (your perception) at that moment, which means that he is the one who decides how you feel, you answer. , and think about what concerns him. Since we know that people’s behavior is based on their moods and responses to what happens to them, and that their mood is a direct consequence of what happens to them and vice versa, we can say that a good definition of perception would be say that the perception of a person are the meanings that he gives to his moods and what is happening to him at a given moment. Therefore, if a person were to learn to use mentalism romantically, they could possibly become good at knowing how to influence the perceptions and meanings a woman attaches to being with and around her. The ability to influence one’s perception has always been the essence of mentalism.

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