SEO for beginners: take the first step

The basics of SEO

The basic elements of SEO consist, in my opinion, of rich content with the proper use of keywords and links, both inbound and outbound.

These can be divided into many topics. However, I am just going to discuss, in a nutshell, one point that webmasters can use to improve their page rankings.

One keyword – one page

Doing the “keyword work” is the foundation for SEO and any successful internet website marketing. What keywords best describe the product or service you want to feature?

And those keywords are chosen carefully?

The next thing to do is take another look at our competition. Remember that knowing your opponent is the first step towards victory. Fighting them where they are weakest and staying away from strongholds should be the tactic for success.

Let’s say, for the sake of argument, we choose the best possible keywords for our SEO work. But how to proceed?

There are many ways to proceed, but the best possible basis is to assign a special page to each individual keyword or keyword fragment. And from there, make rich content with a carefully planned layout and textual setup, trying to present the keyword within a bulleted list, anchor text, and in bold, at least occasionally. And put the keyword in the first sentence of that page. And try to place that keyword within the title of that particular page as well.

This is a good start. Now that keyword can be indexed or forwarded to Googlebot and other spiders. Other keywords should also be treated this way.

But SEO work is only in square number one. But the foundation is now solid enough to build on.

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