Rosary Beads: Is It Ok To Wear As A Necklace Or Not?

In recent years, rosary necklaces have appeared on the necks of celebrities like Madonna, as well as hip hop singers and other celebrities. This has started a fashion trend that has shocked and dismayed some Catholics. The burning question of the Catholic masses has been: Is it okay or not to wear the rosary as a necklace?

What are rosary beads?

Rosaries are used to count the series of prayers that make up the prayer of the rosary. The prayers are a combination of the Prayer of the Lords, followed by 10 Hail Marys and a Glory to the Father. Each of these series of prayers is called a decade and the prayer of each decade is combined with mediation on one of the mysteries of the rosary that recall the life of Jesus Christ. Catholics pray what is known as five “decades,” which consist of five different meditations on the lives of Jesus and Mary.

Rosary necklaces have a long tradition

Christians have been wearing rosary necklaces for more than 500 years as protection against the devil and as comfort in times of stress or danger. The practice remains common in most Spanish-speaking countries. It is only in recent years that some groups have caused problems by using the rosary not as a prayer tool or for comfort, but only as a fashion statement.

However, that doesn’t mean it’s wrong to use one if it’s done in a respectful way and used for the right purpose.

What does the Church say?

The Roman Catholic Church says that sacred objects used for divine worship by dedication or blessing should be treated with reverence. They go on to explain that it is acceptable to wear a rosary if you are doing it to worship or show your dedication to God, but not for secular or non-religious reasons such as fashion statements. All this is established in the Code of Canon Law of the Catholic Church.

In other words, if you are using it because it is the thing to do instead of showing your faith and dedication to the Lord, then you are using it for the wrong reasons. If you use it to pray to our Lord, or to show your dedication to him, then there is nothing wrong with it and it is not sacrilege.

Some priests say that it is sacrilege for an unbeliever to wear a rosary in any way, but they say that a believer can do so as long as it is a way of reminding him to pray and that God is always close to him. your heart.

You can find rosary bead necklaces in various shapes, from simple plastic or wood to very expensive made from real gold and jewelry. It doesn’t matter what they are made of; it’s the meaning and devotion you feel for them that matter.

Bottom line? Yes, it is okay to wear the rosary as a necklace as long as you do it to show your faith and dedication, but not as a fashion statement.

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