How to meditate with animals

We all know that watching fish swim, chickens peck, or cats stretch out can be very relaxing, but did you know that you can actually extend the art of observing animals into a meditation that can offer you deep insight into the wisdom of animals?

One of our favorite teachers, Abraham-Hicks, likes to say that whenever you want to attract something into your life, crave that thing and then pet the cat. Why should you pet the cat? Because almost by osmosis you get that relaxed feeling, of going with the flow, allowing the cats to ooze automatically, and Abraham teaches that allowing is the key to manifestation.

Animals, by their very nature, are more in touch with Spirit than we are and tend to be connected to all that is higher. If you want to relax, get back in touch with Spirit and connect with the higher, try this simple animal meditation.

How to meditate with animals

1) Get in a comfortable position where you can see the animal you want to meditate with. Make sure that the animal you have chosen is in a relaxed state. You can choose a cat, a dog, a horse, a cow…any animal that seems to have the spirituality you are looking for.

2) Observe the animal closely. Notice the color of your fur or skin, the way the light catches different parts of your body. Notice everything that comes to mind about the animal’s appearance. Maintain this level of observation for one to two minutes.

3) Next, begin to imitate the animal’s breathing. Match the breath of the animal to the breath. Now extend that mimicry to include the animal’s expression and the focus of attention. Are the eyes open or closed? Where is the animal’s attention? What is he or she looking at? Is the animal’s attention focused inward or outward? Stay focused on this aspect of the meditation for a few minutes, until you really begin to feel that you are being “breathed” by the rhythm of the animal.

4) Finally, if you want, imitate the action of the animal. If a cat is wagging its tail, it imagines you have a tail, then wags it in time. If the horse you are observing is chewing grass, he will move his jaw in the same motion. How does it feel? Stay with the meditation for as long as you want or until you get the connection you’re looking for.

If you have chosen an animal that is truly in a state of connected being and imitate that animal’s actions, expressions, breathing and attention, you will begin to feel the same kind of spiritual connection that most animals feel all the time. Also, it will give you a lot of information about how your animal perceives the world.

This exercise works due to the law “as above, so below.” When you physically mimic your chosen animal, your mind and spirit will also mimic the mental and spiritual state of the animal. In fact, some riding trainers encourage their (human) students to follow their horses for an entire day, imitating everything they do. This gives students the opportunity to really understand the world from the horse’s point of view.

Animals have so much wisdom and connection to share with us, and we often miss their special gifts because we don’t take the time to really “be” with them. So take the time to share the gifts animals have to share and enjoy!

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