How to have a strong chin, eliminate double chins and smooth sagging skin in the throat area

Do you have a double chin? A weak chin? Do you have loose skin in the front of your throat and under your jaw? Are the sides of your face swollen? Would you like to change this appearance? Can. Let’s find out the causes of this physical problem and then ways to improve the sagging appearance of our jaw, chin and throat area.

Our face shows our emotions. If something is not right for us, we may try to hide our feelings with a neutral face or a forced smile. Our chin often appears stronger when we smile, but this is more likely to occur when one’s posture is normal and things are going well. Usually, under unhappy conditions, our chin recedes and appears weak. Over time, a sunken chin remains “retracted.” Often the result is a rude or loose skin in the area around the throat. But it’s okay because with a little effort we can change this appearance. We need to continue figuring out how and why our chin receded, then we’ll figure out ways to fix it.

There are other places on our bodies where we were made to incorrectly adjust our features and posture. For example, when we were subjected to negative issues for a period of time, we ran out of inspiration and our spine became weak, our chests became lower and shallower. Then we learned not to take pride in our appearance and things went downhill from there. When this happens, gravity takes over and our neck and head are placed “too far forward.” There are several reasons, other than gravity, for this “too forward” head and neck position. When we’re told we’re not adequate, we overcompensate by sticking our heads too far forward. This to accommodate the person with those unreasonable demands. Also our chest recedes, becoming somewhat concave, allowing gravity to work against us. All these improper adjustments cause a lot of problems for our chin and over time create a double chin and sagging skin in that area. All is not lost. We can change our posture so that our chin appears stronger. Before we do, we need to continue reading about what other issues caused our sagging chin so we know exactly what to do to improve it.

Anatomically, the receding thorax and sternum (the vertical bone in front of the thorax) will logically cause the chin to recede as well. How did this happen? Most of the problem is the sternocleidomastoid and scalene muscles. They are the muscles that attach from the back of the head, traveling along the throat, and attaching to the clavicles, sternum, and upper ribs. These muscles are stretched at the wrong angle. Somewhat stretched neck muscles would be fine if our head was balanced correctly on an upright column. However, when the ribs of a shallow, sunken chest pull down on these muscles, fat accumulates and the skin overlying the jaw area becomes saggy. Stretched neck muscles in this case hurt us. Note that the head is also down and too far forward, and we have a problem.

Soon we will get to the good part of “changing for the better”. It is good that we read about the problem to know what to change. The chin naturally recedes as the neck muscles pull it back and down. The skin at the front of the throat and under the jaw loses its sharp 90 degree definition. When viewed from the side, it forms a 10 to 45 degree angle as the skin dips from the bottom of the chin to the middle of the throat. In this area, muscles sag, fat finds a home, and skin folds in on itself. Of course, the preferred appearance of the skin surrounding the lower jaw is horizontal, parallel to the ground. It is also preferred that the skin in front of the throat appear more upright and that the entire area appear smooth skinned.

Did you know that a sagging appearance in the area around the throat and jaw can be reversed? You certainly can when the skin reconnects and adapts to the underlying features of your face and throat. jaw and chin. This is allowed to happen when we alter the position of our head. You change the position of the bones, ligaments, muscles, that is, your posture. Still didn’t know how to do this? That’s okay because there are many forums and websites that take you step by step, through a process so that you can change for the better. Try for one.

A key way to change your posture is to change the point where your head is balanced to the point where it is at the top of your spine. When you turn your head, turn your head at the top of your spine with little neck movement. Do not turn your head with your neck on the C7 vertebra, the big one at the top of your shoulders. Turning your neck with your head is using the wrong muscles as well as looking unsophisticated.

You can say that “my head is too far forward to balance my head correctly”, and you are probably right. Always remember, lengthen your spine and naturally your back will be more upright and more vertical. Once you have adjusted your spine, align your neck with your spine. This will provide an opportunity for your head to sit balanced on your spine, further back than it has been in the past. Now notice how your neck muscles are positioned to stretch and lift your upper ribs and chest. This properly shortens and eliminates the gangly appearance of the neck. Stick your chin out and you’ll see much of the sagging under your jaw removed. You are now ready to walk properly, sit well, have poise, and be ready to be “a part of it all.”

This newly aligned posture changes the appearance of a slack “double chin.” The gangly neck becomes more upright and normal in appearance. A stronger chin and vertical throat can appear immediately with a change in posture, but it usually takes a while to adjust to this look. Remember, it took years for you to acquire the poor posture that created the loose skin under your sunken chin. It may take at least several months for you to get used to the normal, elegant and well-toned appearance of your chin and throat. It takes some practice to hold a new posture. In fact, you have to get used to this new “balance”. Once you feel comfortable with your newfound grace and poise, your chin can naturally adjust to its strongest, most defined shape. The key is to lengthen the spine, align the neck with the more upright spine, balance the head on top of correct shoulder posture, and then “stick out” the chin. Breathe through the nose. It helps to keep a calm smile during this “change for the better.” All these movements must be done subtly. You can make these changes without attracting the attention of others, which is preferable. All part of the process of change for the better.

If the head is allowed to pull back to a balanced position on the well-placed shoulders, the chin can still recede a bit. You must allow the chin to do something remarkable. Instead of the chin moving back with the head, it is actually forced to move forward (with a little help by relaxing the jaw muscles) creating the preferred strong, protruding chin. Naturally, it moves forward to balance the rearmost back of the head. This, of course, is desirable because the sinuses are more open and breathing improves, you think more clearly, and because your head is balanced, your neck muscles are not working as hard.

As for the appearance of the skin under the chin and in front of the throat, the skin is not stretched at an angle as before. With better posture, the skin is allowed to reset itself in its own position. The stretched muscles and fat that filled the area created by poor jaw posture are gone or will soon be gone. Over time, loose skin will seek its natural, proper, and toned appearance. Over time, it will “stick” to the front of the throat and under the jaw. Sharper definition is restored.

Better posture allows the muscles to be positioned correctly in the area between the chin and the breastbone. Muscles that are positioned where they should be work best. Every time you swallow, talk, sing, chew food, etc., the muscles in the throat and under the jaw pull the associated skin into its correct position. This happens even if you are older. Also, the cheeks and breast bones can expand with better breathing and due to better posture. Better breathing increases the size of the chest and lifts the chest. With a balanced head and better posture, you gain better toned facial muscles around the mouth and cheeks. The jowl muscles around the sides of the jaw are properly used, stretched out, and then become more streamlined.

All or these muscles are working to pull the skin in the area in front of the throat and under the jaw into its correct position. Also, with a more protruding and well-positioned chin, more towards the front of the face and further away from the throat, the skin in this area is stretched, or rather, repositioned as it normally would. This reduces flab and creates a more toned and youthful appearance.

It is not necessary to visit a doctor for this. Plus, if you do it yourself, the muscles that could help get your skin back to its proper appearance won’t be cut with a scalpel. And you have the added gratification that you did it yourself.

To correct double chins and sagging skin in the area around the throat and jawline, keep practicing these movements and adjustments until they “set in.” With a strong chin at the top, you’ll find life just keeps getting better.

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