How to buy lingerie for the first time

In our store we see girls who are buying lingerie for the first time and, while it may seem easy for a girl to buy lingerie to the casual observer, the truth is quite the opposite. We often assume that just because a girl is a woman, she naturally knows how to shop for clothes and especially lingerie. What could be further from the truth? Shopping for lingerie, especially sexy lingerie, is not something that most mothers teach their daughters. Mothers often go with their daughters to buy their first bra, but that may be the last time many girls have any guidance on buying lingerie, especially sexy lingerie.

When should a girl buy lingerie? Let’s define our terms first. Bras, panties, stockings are technically lingerie, as they are underwear, and 15- or 16-year-old girls can purchase these items on their own or without much adult supervision. Age varies between families and how independent the young woman is and wants to be. However, keep in mind that surveys reveal that over 80% of women wear ill-fitting bras and this remarkable figure started somewhere. Mothers are free to help their daughters as much as they want, but keep in mind that girls have all they can say about how much help they need from their mothers. Buying bras and panties for everyday wear is often done in department stores, and due to the very nature of the unspeakable, a proper guide may be lacking. On the other hand, how much help does a young man need to buy underwear? You’ll likely buy a four-pack of tight-fitting whites and go about your business if your mom doesn’t buy a couple dozen at the local Costco.

When it comes to buying bras, the matter is much more complicated as a girl can or will mature, and along with that maturity or weight gain comes a larger bra size and the need for additional adjustments. Most young women are not going to get a fit, much less two or more so often that they are left to their own devices, such as carrying a pair of arms into the dressing room and fending for themselves. Buying appropriate bras in terms of size is so important as it relates to a girl’s comfort, posture, and appearance in clothing that can’t really be overemphasized, but most stores don’t have employees who can measure. properly a woman’s bra anyway. Look in the local newspapers and you will notice that from time to time department stores offer “bra fitting specialists” who visit their stores. This suggests that full-time staff are not trained to properly fit the bra. That’s the nature of the lingerie business as a whole. Women are conditioned to try on clothes to determine the correct size, but in the case of bras it is not so easy.

Price: As with most garments, often the higher the cost, the higher the quality of the garment. Most would agree that certain brands are more expensive, better made, and sizing can be more accurate. It is always important to buy quality if you can afford to buy the best then this can solve some problems when buying lingerie for the first time. The difference in cost can and should result in greater attention to detail, finer materials, and a longer lasting garment. However, don’t fall prey to the idea that you have to pay more for the best quality. Also, be sure to shop at the sale and clearance times to get the best value for your money.

Service – Even if you pay more, it’s always best to shop at a full-service store or boutique, especially when you’re shopping for lingerie for the first time. The cost of goods and the amount of service you receive generally go hand in hand. Buying lingerie or anything else for the first time should raise more questions about fit, material, and what to look for in a quality garment. The sales staff at a high-end store often cannot always help you with any questions you may have. Even if you don’t buy anything, you can learn about what you are buying and what to look for. You can pay too much for lingerie considering the use it will get. If you are paying $ 250.00 for a pair of panties, consider how durable the panties are, how often they will be worn, and maybe 5 pairs of panties at $ 50.00 is a better value. On the other hand, a gown that will keep you warm will be useful for 2-5 years and worn every day may be a worthwhile investment.

Purpose: Lingerie can be something sexy to wear under your work outfit or something to wear on your wedding night or honeymoon. Work lingerie should be more durable, functional and comfortable than the outfit that will be worn for a few precious minutes or an hour once a month or less. Consider the purpose as you would a pair of shoes for work or running. Purpose is important and when combined with price, you can make informed decisions. Often times, a pair of panties and a sexy lace bra can be worn to work, as well as being a sexy outfit for a romantic evening. Don’t think outside the box; Throw the box when it comes to lingerie. Many of these garments can and should serve a dual purpose.

Where to buy: Do you consider that time is money and there are lingerie stores and then there are lingerie stores? What do i mean? Department stores offer little in the way of sexy lingerie, but a lot in the area of ​​foundations, a term used to refer to bras, shapewear, and panties. Consider what you are looking to buy? If you are looking for a sexy little number to warm up your heart rate, then the lingerie boutique may be your best option. There is no problem shopping everywhere, but if time is short, plan where you are most likely to have payment problems.

When to buy: When shopping for lingerie for the first time, it is best to determine what is available. If you live in Manhattan, just take the bus or subway and shop. Many other areas do not have this unlimited access to shopping and your purchases may require you to shop online or at a mall. Shopping online offers the anonymous experience you may want, but the inability to try something, so be warned. First-time buyers really need the ability to try things on before buying.

Since you are shopping for lingerie for the first time, be sure to consider bringing someone for the fun of it. Be it a boyfriend, husband, girlfriend or your mother. Shopping is always more fun when you have someone to share the experience with. They can be invaluable when it comes to advice, but listen to your instincts as you are the one who has to use them, so enjoy the experience.

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