Get well!

We all face crossroads in life where you either go down or shut up and walk away. I just have to start with this: If you’re serious, get well!

I repeat: if you’re serious, get good or get out of the game you’re trying to play. Cause like Yoda in “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back” says: There is no “trying”, there is only “doing”. Reality comes down to what we actually do, not what we try or attempt.

When I think about reality, real life is more than just showing off or trying. Real life is pure doing. In short, getting good rather than consistent potential that is never genuinely realized. In fact, consistent potential success without the fulfillment of that potential is the ultimate mental and spiritual block in life. “I could have”, “I would have”, “I should have” is the epitaph for every loser. Every winner is, “I did it” and that’s it. Why do you think or postulate in your consciousness those three sayings and facts of losers do not count, while that direct answer of a winner does totally count? It counts because it is fulfillment rather than unrealized potential sitting in a garage like a prized, beautiful car that is never driven and just sits in a garage with great potential for speed or stored wealth that is never enjoyed and eventually goes to waste. someone who genuinely does. enjoy it and live with it.

“I would have”, “I could have”, “I should have” instead of the reality of “I did”. That’s all it’s about, and if you want to get to what I did, you or anyone else must use their potential to be genuinely good.

I did is the King of the Harvest, would have, could have, should have is the eternally unrealized and wasted seed. I did it is cold hard cash that you spent for your benefit. Would Have, Could Have, Should Have is like the Double Eagle checks and thousand dollar coins that sit in the safe or deposit box and are never cashed or benefited anyone.

My only message in this article is to actively improve, intensify, make your dream come true. Because what’s really bad is untapped potential, not so much lost in your attempts to succeed. Because even if you fail, there’s another chance as long as you’re alive, breathing, and working with a chance! Improve as long as you can practice and try (until you succeed or are personally satisfied with your efforts).

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