Finding happiness within a struggling economy

Over the past several years, the United States and most other countries in the world have struggled with economic recession. Many people believe that more money will bring them more happiness. Ironically, research shows that beyond needs, increased wealth is not an indicator of increased happiness. In this sense, I invite you to consider my next paradox.

According to former president of the American Psychological Association, Dr. Martin Seligman, “our economy is rapidly changing from a money economy to a satisfaction economy.” Long before Seligman’s observation, however, the Amish seem to have understood the importance of this emphasis. The Amish lifestyle represents a subculture within American society that is antithetical to capitalism.

Surprisingly, it’s suggested that his departure from all-American actually contributes to his overall level of happiness. In recent years, author Jonah Lehrer has highlighted the fact that Amish depression rates are more than ten times higher. lower than the rest of the American population. The Amish seem to place more emphasis on the depth, quality, and nature of their relationships. Within the Amish community, for example, if a neighbor’s roof is damaged during a storm, the community is likely to show up the next day to volunteer to help with the repairs. Unfortunately, within American society, many people don’t even know their neighbors.

With these thoughts in mind, I suggest that perhaps a simple realignment of priorities can help Americans and others around the world find happiness in a struggling economy.

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