Everything you need to know about inversion tables

Brief history

Inversion therapy dates back to 400 B.C. C. during the time of Hippocrates, also known as the father of medicine, and hung patients suffering from back pain upside down.

How can inversion therapy help me?

Inversion therapy not only helps to remedy back pain, but also reduces spinal decompression and overloaded joints and muscles. The inversion table allows you to lie on your back in a relaxed inverted position that takes the pressure off your back and allows you to invert partially or fully depending on your comfort level. Inversion therapy can not only help treat back pain, but it can also be used to reverse the negative effects of aging on the spine. There are a number of benefits to using the inversion table besides relieving back pain, increasing blood circulation, improving your overall health, relaxing and strengthening overworked joints and muscles.

Main benefits of investment

Using an inversion table can promote healthy living by having a full-body workout with less stress and pressure on your back and joints, increasing flexibility, strengthening your core muscles and ligaments, and improving balance. The inversion system also offers a better form of stretching and exercises that reduce and can reverse the damaging pressure on the body from gravity. Nowadays, an inversion table is an essential fitness product for all those active people and not only for those who have back problems or are to reduce aging.

Reversal Benefits:

Reduce back pain.

Although reversed, the distance between the vertebrae is a result of stretching that lengthens the entire back and minimizes pressure on the spine, resulting in less back pain.

Improve your balance, posture and height.

Inversion promotes good posture. Hunching and slumping at desks, chairs every day equals bad posture. Inverting helps our body to return to its natural curve, especially the spine due to the pull of gravity.

Stimulates blood circulation and reduces stress.

Using gravity to help blood flow from the legs to the heart and lungs. The heart pumps oxygen-rich blood throughout the body to feed its cells. The blood returns to be cleaned and recharged with oxygen, however it is very difficult to return blood back to the heart from the legs and lower body, in which case inversion allows gravity to assist. Other improvements noted are healthier hair and better skin tone.

Reduce the negative effects of gravity on aging.

It allows us to safely and comfortably maintain flexibility, balance and strength. As with aging, a loss of height occurs, however, the investment maintains its height.

Achieve functional fitness

Improve your core muscles with safe sit-ups with no pressure on your spine. Soothes sore muscles after strenuous workouts by reversing which also helps with the lymphatic system to eradicate waste from the body that aids in muscle recovery and growth. Stretching exercises will help strengthen muscles and will also benefit healthy joints.

Clean your internal organs

It also helps with aging and keeps the organs in the right place and maintains the correct shape in which it reduces organ deterioration as a result of aging.

Increase oxygen levels in your brain

Inversion also helps increase the oxygen supply to the brain, which can be diminished due to high blood pressure and blocked arteries.

Fight against cellulite

Inversion has been suggested to reduce cellulite. The inversion table stops the development of cellulite by helping lymphatic fluids to flow to the lymphatic organs and helps fats to circulate through the lymphatic system.

Reduce hair fall

Some sources believe that hair loss can be reduced by reversing. It is suggested that increased blood flow to the scalp stimulates the hair follicles, and experts say that baldness is caused by the difficulty of blood reaching the hair follicle.

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