Asthma: Understanding the Smell of Mold and Aspergillosis

Have you ever entered a house or building and noticed a strange or musty smell? Your nose is telling you that something is wrong in that place. Mother Nature gave us a nose with a keen sense of smell to protect us from the dangers around us. Mold is a threat, so your nose knows not to get into that spot. Most people ignore this warning and think there is nothing to worry about, but there are many victims of mold poisoning who will tell you otherwise. Do a Google search on the word aspergillosis and you will be amazed at the truth that it is being suppressed.

According to the CDC, this is the definition:

Aspergillosis is a disease caused by Aspergillus. There are many different types of aspergillosis. One type is allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (also called ABPA), a condition in which the fungus causes allergic respiratory symptoms, such as wheezing and coughing, but does not actually invade or destroy tissue. Another type is invasive aspergillosis, a disease that generally affects people with immune system problems. In this condition, the fungus invades and damages the tissues of the body. Invasive aspergillosis most often affects the lungs, but it can also cause infection in many other organs and spread throughout the body.

Shocking, isn’t it? How would you like to have this microbial disease? Since Aspergillus is very common in our environment, you will inhale Aspergillus spores every day. Every microbial test I do in the South Florida area has this mold spore and I have done thousands of these tests. The spores are common, so it is impossible to avoid breathing in some of the spores every day. This is fine if you have a healthy immune system, it does not cause problems. The problem is for people with compromised immune systems. These spores can cause problems breathing Aspergillus spores, which can lead to infection. Studies have shown that invasive Aspergillus can occur when a building is undergoing renovation or construction.

That is why you should stay away from areas that are being remediated for mold. Be very wary of internet sites that tell you it’s okay to do your own mold removal work, but buy your supplies from them. Look at their motives before following their advice. If you are not properly trained to do this type of work, you can get sick or make someone in your family sick. I always discouraged people from doing their own remediation due to all the disasters I have seen in the last 15 years. Let the Trained Professionals do it.

In conclusion, odor alone is not enough to determine the size of a mold problem or whether it is toxic or allergenic. Aspergillus can be a serious problem, especially in people with impaired immune systems. An example would be asthma, allergies, diabetes, people with chemical injuries, AIDS or HIV. There are more, but this is just a sample of impaired immune systems. If you feel that you have been exposed to this toxin and are ill, contact your doctor immediately.

If you have any questions, feel free to call us or visit our website.

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