Acid Indigestion – Popping Pills Can Have Harmful Side Effects – Simple, Natural Ways To Spell Relief

Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it’s not! Billions of dollars are spent each year on antacids. For example, Nexium is the third best-selling drug in the world, with annual sales exceeding $5 billion. Priolsec is the number 1 selling drug in the world and generates more than 6 billion dollars a year. But antacids and medications don’t fix the cause of the problem, and there are reports of harmful side effects.

What causes acid reflux and acid indigestion?

Stomach acid can force open the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), allowing acid to flow up into the esophagus, leading to heartburn and indigestion. In other cases, this sphincter becomes flaccid and acid splashes up into the esophagus. If this indigestion occurs more than twice a week, it is time for you to seriously digest the information on how to cure this situation now.

What’s wrong with having acid indigestion?

The technical name for persistent heartburn and/or regurgitating stomach contents into the esophagus is called gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD. “Chronic GERD has the potential to scar and damage the lining of the esophagus. It can also lead to a condition called Barrett’s esophagus, which carries the risk of developing esophageal cancer” (Rubin, 2003).

“People with chronic heartburn can develop painful ulcers in the esophagus, and in rare cases, some may end up with damage that can lead to esophageal cancer” (Yu-Xiao Yang, MD, MSCE, et al., 2006).

Also, throat and breathing problems can be made worse by acid indigestion. Some people may actually think they have allergies because they have inflammation in their sinuses or throat, when acid reflux is the real culprit.

There are many other challenges. Even “tooth enamel exposed to acid from acid reflux will cause dental erosion. Enamel dissolves when exposed to a pH of less than 3.7” (Freund, MD, & Rejaunier, 2003). Neutral pH is around 7.

Doctors aren’t sure why this is so, but nearly half of asthma patients also have acid reflux.

Why taking a pill can be harmful.

If the warning light comes on in your car, would you just turn the light off and never bother to check under the hood? Sooner or later you will have more serious problems with your car by ignoring your warning sign.

The same goes for just taking a pill and not addressing the fact that your body is telling you that something needs your attention. Simply taking a pill is like turning off the warning light your body is giving you and doing nothing about the cause.

Pills and antacids have reported side effects. Neurologist Dr. Daniel Purlmutter stated on The Oprah Show: “Antacids block B6. A lot of people are taking antacid medications and the problem is that when they block stomach acid, they block the absorption of B6 and that can damage the brain.” (Oprah, 2006.)

Dr. Sherry Rogers has seen many complications with her patients taking Mylanta. “Just as Mylanta absorbed the acid that causes indigestion, she also used up the same acid that we need to absorb the minerals. Without a sufficient amount of minerals, we are vulnerable to many diseases, from depression to cancer. (Rogers, S., MD, 2000).

A study of 145,000 older people showed that heartburn medications may increase the risks of hip fractures. These medications can block calcium absorption, leading to weaker bones and fractures (Yu-Xiao Yang, MD, MSCE; et al., 2006). The drugs that caused the most problems in this study were Nexium, Prevacid, and Prilosec.

“(Tagamet or Pepcid) are some of the worst drugs you could take.
They significantly reduce the amount of acid you have, which inhibits your ability to properly digest food. Reducing stomach acid also decreases your main defense mechanism against foodborne infections and will increase your risk of food poisoning… I can assure you that the number of people who actually need this medication is less than one in 100 of those who take it. In other words, people are prescribed heartburn medication when it is one of the easiest medical problems to treat” (Mercola, J., MD, 2006).

Chronic use of antacid products that contain aluminum can be harmful to the body. “Research has shown that at least 10 human neurological conditions have been linked to toxic concentrations of aluminum” (Gasdorph, H. & Walker, M., 1995).

What can create acid indigestion?

It’s best to watch what you’re eating or what you’re “eating” as food and emotions can cause acid indigestion. Eating too many acidic, processed foods and soft drinks and/or emotions of fear, anxiety, or anger can trigger acid indigestion.

Being overweight or pregnant can also contribute to acid indigestion, as the extra weight can possibly put pressure on the sphincter, allowing it to open. Some people may also experience indigestion when lying down or bending over.

Natural ways to spell relief.

“Eat whole foods, cut out processed foods, exercise, relax and enjoy life.” Yes, yes, we’ve all heard that. But, the reason we’ve heard it so many times is because it works. Here are some more natural ways to help with indigestion:

• Scientists have shown that there is a strong correlation between obesity and GERD. If you are overweight, losing weight will most likely help alleviate the symptoms of acid indigestion and heartburn.

• Many health professionals believe that the H. pylori bacterium that lives in the stomach may be a contributing factor in acid indigestion. Blood tests and stool tests will be able to diagnose if you have H. pylori. There is a tea from South Africa that is guaranteed to get rid of H. pylori ( I’m still researching this so check out my website for more information. There are rainforest herbs that are also supposed to eradicate H. pylori. (And no, I do not receive affiliate fees or commissions for any product mention in this article.)

• Stop drinking soft drinks as they are too acidic for the body.

• A Japanese folk remedy is to use ¼ teaspoon of alkalizing umeboshi plum, which is available at health food stores.

• Using herbs can help: “Dandelion, fennel, slippery elm, and Irish moss work as antacids.” (Earth, 1990).

• Drinking fresh vegetable juices, especially red cabbage juice in this situation, would be alkalizing and helpful in restoring balance in the body.

• Taking enzymes can help break down food in the stomach. In a double-blind study, pancreatic enzymes were shown to reduce gas, bloating, and satiety after a high-fat meal (Suarez, F. et al., 1999). The enzymes that I think are great are Wobenzym ( Wobenzym empowers the body to heal itself. It has been sold to millions of people around the world and has 25 years of research behind it. It is recommended to take Wobenzym on an empty stomach away from supplements and medications. If you are taking anticoagulant medications, consult your doctor before taking these enzymes.

• Probiotics are helpful.

• Eat slow. Gulping down too much food quickly can cause indigestion.

• Meals are not a surprise. Meal planning will help you avoid eating those guilty, acidic foods.

• Eating smaller portions always helps digestion.


Freund, LMD, Rejaunier, J. (2003). The complete idiot’s guide to food allergies. (p. 66). New York: Penguin Group.

Gasdorph, H. & Walker, M. (1995). Toxic mental syndrome. Garden City Park, New York: Avery Publishing, P.120.

Mercola, J., MD, (2006). Taking heartburn medicine can break your hip. Retrieved December 26, 2006 from the World Wide Web:

Mohandas, MMD (2005). BJS Abstract 105860: The increase in esophageal adenocarcinoma in the US is temporally associated with increased carbonated soft drink consumption. Retrieved on May 17, 2005 from the World Wide Web: []

Purlmutter, D.MD., Oprah. (2006)

Rubin, J., (2003). The patient heals himself. (p. 222). Topanga, Calif.: Freedom Press.

Rogers, SMD, (2000). No more heartburn. Stop pain in 30 days, naturally. (p. 6). New York: Kensington Books.

Suárez F, Levitt MD, Adshead J, Barkin JS. (1999). Pancreatic supplements reduce the symptomatic response of healthy subjects to a high-fat meal. Dig Dis Sci;44:1317–21.

Earth, M., (1990). The path of herbs. (p. 41). New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc.

Yu-Xiao Yang, MD, MSCE; James D. Lewis, MD, MSCE; Solomon Epstein, MD; David C. Metz, MD, (2006). Long-term treatment with proton pump inhibitors and risk of hip fracture. JAMA, vol. 296 No. 24, December 27.

The information is intended to help you make informed decisions about your health, not to take the place of your medical care. The recommendations of Elaine Wilkes, NC, MA, are NOT intended to be a cure, diagnosis, prescription, or treatment for any disease; physical, emotional, spiritual or mental, and are not a substitute for regular medical care.

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