The Voice of Nature Speaks to Your Spirit

Do you have a strong connection with your Spirit? Is your spiritual nature guiding your life, or is it something you relate to as a place to visit?

Your own deeper knowledge is there waiting for you to connect with it and allow it to show you how much your life can be enriched by taking “the road less travelled.” However, you must leave room for him to express himself, grow and give you the information that is so valuable to you. Taking the time to delve into a spiritual orientation takes commitment and time.

The forest is a place that has a lot of time. All around you are magnificent beings who have stayed in one place all their lives and who have much wisdom to share with their examples. Each one has adapted to the conditions of its particular position in a unique way, expressing a relationship with the elements and growing with what it has as raw material. Think about how its relationship with time has so much to tell us. Do not rush to do something!

In the forest, there is ample space, with plenty of time to do what needs to be done. The animals are not in a hurry. The water flows naturally down the hill, the clouds pass in their own patterns, the breeze speaks softly, or perhaps the vigorous wind howls. Each of these is a profound expression of a higher spiritual truth, and you have a place within that truth. How easy it is to forget that in the modern way of thinking and living!

Stress and excessive activity are counterproductive to a healthy way of life. People who take time for spiritual thought and practice, who connect with their own spiritual energy, report experiencing less stress and also have a way of getting more done. Without being distracted by things that draw attention but have little real meaning, your spiritual self can grow and become stronger.

Deeper breathing, slower walking, calmer, softer speech all contribute to a connection that will nurture and care for you. After all, it IS the real you you are connecting with! And that real you has a lot to offer to the world at large, as you get closer to realizing what your true potential can be when you step into your spirit and allow it to tell you what you need to know.

You can open your mind to hear spiritual information and it will give you the help you have been waiting for.

Relax more than ever and find your vision. Notice the bridge of spirit that connects you to the rest of the Universe.

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