7 keys to be prepared to sell your house!

Since for most people the value of their home often represents one of their most valuable assets, doesn’t it make sense to make sure they sell their home when they want to? they can make the best possible deal! After more than 15 years as a licensed real estate seller in New York State, I often advise my clients on things they can do to better prepare for the sales transaction, the process, period! In that sense, I highlight 7 keys, to be as prepared as possible, to sell your house, and obtain the best results. With that in mind, this article will briefly try to consider, examine, review and discuss these elements and why they are important.

one. Curb appeal: If qualified potential buyers don’t take a serious look at the house, they won’t make an offer to buy it! The first thing these people see is the curb appeal as they approach the property. Is it neat, clean and attractive? Are the colors, the general exterior appearance, the gardens and the apparent state a diversion or a source of inspiration and motivation?

two. First impressions: What might be the first impressions of a potential buyer when they enter the house? Are there any odors, etc., that can make it unpleasant? Is it clean and clutter-free? Is there too much, too little, or just the right amount of furniture to accentuate the positive? What is the first thing someone will experience upon entering?

3. De – disorder/staging: How could the home display benefit from effectively ordering and staging the home? Since many buyers cannot visualize what they do not see clearly, they see often, it makes sense to take advantage of the skills and experience of a professional set designer!

Four. Objectives/Priorities: Before deciding to sell their home, the homeowner should clearly consider and identify their personal goals and reasons, and ensure their priorities are addressed throughout the process.

5. Listing price: Homeowners should hire potential agents and choose the one who best represents their personal needs, providing honest suggestions and ideas, consistently. Remember, in most cases, the listing price set correctly makes a significant difference – for good! It is important to understand that the listing price and the asking price are different entities!

6. Marketing strategies: Consider carefully which marketing strategy makes the most sense, based on your mix of personal reasons, priorities, etc.! There must be a clear understanding, from the start, of how to proceed effectively!

7. Agent/owner teamwork: The best, and least stressful, process and focus of this period is to ensure consistent, quality teamwork between the agent and owner, so they move forward on the same page.

Getting the best price and terms when you sell your home is a smart goal, and using the 7 steps listed above is a sensible and effective approach. Will you do everything you can in your own interest?

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