5 reasons why your period is lighter than usual

Getting your period isn’t exactly the most desirable biological process in life. But a lighter than normal period can bring you down and cause you to start worrying about all the possible things that might be wrong with you. Although each girl has her individual menstrual cycle, an average cycle should last between three and seven days.

But when you don’t pass the average amount of fluid (30 to 80 ml) and your cycle lasts only two days, it’s a general indication of a problem. If your period lasts two days, you should see a gynecologist and buy a preventive medical checkup online. Actually, there are some common reasons why your period is light.

Here are five discussed below:

1. Hormone imbalance
Estrogen and progesterone are the duo of hormones that are largely the reason for orchestrating the menstrual cycle. The fall and rise of these two hormones can make your cycle a roller coaster. When your hormones are unstable, your menstrual cycle is disrupted.

For example, estrogen is in charge of the lining of the uterus. Therefore, if your hormone levels are lower, the lining of the uterus may not thicken enough for you to have a normal full menstrual cycle. Also, having a high testosterone level can also lead to a scanty period.

2. birth control
When people take hormonal birth control, a side effect that you may experience is a lighter period or it may even disappear. This is actually a commonly discussed “benefit” of the long-acting reversible contraceptive option, such as the IUD or implant. The reason for this is often attributed to endometrial atrophy, which is when the lining of the uterus gradually thins.

3. Stress
Stress is a major risk factor for many reproductive health problems. If you are stressed, your body releases two hormones, cortisol and adrenal. Both chemicals alter the stability of other hormones, including those responsible for the reproductive system.

Cortisol affects the production of estrogen and progesterone that your body makes. So if you’re stressed and your body is awash in cortisol, you may experience a light, late, or no period.

4. Low weight
Your body requires a specific amount of fat in order to menstruate normally. This makes a lot of sense from an evolutionary standpoint, since your body should be the center of your own health first. A low body weight can cause your menstrual cycle to slow down or even stop for a while. Light periods are also the result of extreme weight loss or eating disorders.

5. Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Another common reason why your period may be scanty is polycystic ovary syndrome. Polycystic ovarian syndrome for the endocrine system causing the hormone to go out of balance. If you have this syndrome, you may be prone to the formation of small cysts on your ovaries that can cause hormone instability leading to excess hair, obesity, acne, and skipped periods. In addition to scanty periods, you may even experience other symptoms, which you should see your doctor for ovarian cysts.

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