3 myths about basketball training

The basketball industry is the most rampant misinformation industry anywhere in the world. There are more myths and misinformed people in the basketball coaching and training market than any other market I have ever seen.

Today we are going to bust the myths and misinformation and get to the truth of what it takes to be a great basketball player.

1.) Train 6 hours per day

I did this for years simply because I heard Kobe Bryant did it. I found out the hard way that your body can’t take 6 hours of hitting a day on the basketball court. It’s too much.

I don’t think it’s possible to train at a high quality for more than 1-2 hours a day, tops.

There’s a reason most games are only 30-40 minutes long. It’s because after that, the quality drops severely.

Train for no more than an hour on the court and take advantage of it while you’re there. Train hard and efficiently and make the most of your time. That approach will beat the “6-6-6” program any day.

2.) Weightlifting hurts your jumper

This is completely and totally false. I can’t believe this has actually become a myth, because it couldn’t have been started by someone with half a brain or ANY experience with basketball coaching.

Of course, if you go to lift and then immediately play basketball, you’re going to play like shit. But other than that, there are no long-term negative effects of lifting weights. There are only positive things.

Your range will improve and you will be able to shoot more effectively than ever. Your entire game will expand. Get in the weight room and get strong. It can only help.

3.) You have to play basketball every day to get better

This is a hard question to swallow because it is so believed. It is also a pot. There’s no reason to train every day, your body can’t handle it and you’ll be too exhausted after a few weeks to get any benefit from your lackluster training.

Take at least two days off each week. I recommend lifting 2-3 days a week and training on the court 3 days a week as well. Ideally, you should do your on-court training right before your facelift. This way you get 3 or 4 full days off each week to recover. Your results will explode with your newfound resilience.

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