2 Workout Routines to Build Muscle in 14 Days or Less

What are the best training routines to build muscle? There are several of them that are quite effective, actually. Believe it or not, some of the best do NOT involve any type of weight training. Many people believe that it is not possible to gain muscle without weights.

This is false

There are TONS of great workouts you can do at home that will help you get lean without ever stepping foot in a gym.

But what about resistance?

Yes, you need resistance to gain muscle. However, your body weight is all the resistance you need.

The reality is that these are superior to weight training for a couple of reasons. The main one is that you run a reduced risk of injury. This is because lifting weights trains the body inefficiently by targeting one muscle group at the expense of others.

Think about it– Do the bench press and squat resemble the movements you perform in everyday life? Of course not, they are made for very specific muscle groups. For this reason, many times you will find that you end up with a very disproportionate looking physique.

What are the best bodyweight exercises? Here are two of the best:

#1) Push-ups

Well, this is nothing new… but there’s a reason this is one of the top 3 upper body exercises Navy Seals do: it works. This allows you to get a more developed chest, shoulders and arms – basically the whole package.

#2) Pull-ups

Few exercises are better for building functional power than this. Strengthens the back and arms.
How should you perform these exercises?

Keep them extremely intense and limit your rest time between sets. Never stay more than 10 seconds between sets.

The bottom line-These are two of the simplest exercises that exist, but they are ideal to define yourself quickly. The simpler the exercise routines to build muscle, the better.

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