Why Effective Leaders Repeat

More than four decades ago, when I started giving trainings and seminars, a person, whom I considered experienced and wise, took me aside and explained a concept he referred to as the Rule of 8, which he firmly believed was a necessity for effective communication. Since then, I have read many articles etc, which basically state the same theory. This is extremely relevant and important when it comes to becoming an effective leader. because one must decide what to discuss, how often, and how best to convey the issues that are prioritized. Therefore, this article will briefly discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why effective leaders often REPEAT themselves.

1. Resonate; reality; reasons; Fundamental reason: A leader achieves his goal when he can get a sizable number of constituents to care more deeply, become more involved, and hopefully embrace his vision – like their own! For him Rule of 8, the reality is that one’s core message is often lost, unless it is repeated often! Go out of your way to make that message resonate by repeating it and providing a kind of easy-to-understand reality check! Explain your reasons and the possible ramifications and why they should be important to others. Take your time and keep explaining until you feel like they have understood your reason for being!

two. Effectiveness; Energy; obtain; empathize: Maximize Your Efficiency With Care choosing your battlesand carefully identifying your goals and priorities. Focus your energy on these selected areas and try to get a positive response! Get to know and understand those you serve and always proceed with true empathy!

3. Priorities; perceptions; planning: If you didn’t realize it earlier, the political campaigns of the past year should have shown that communication is often more about perceptions than anything else. Focus on the right priorities and an effective plan, using quality strategic planning!

Four. To win; explain; emphasize: What will you do to earn the respect of those you serve? Care, respect, and popularity are very different entities, and while candidates often focus on popularity, great leaders automatically earn respect, because of the example they set and their actions! It is often somewhat challenging to convey one’s message effectively, so you need to emphasize your core issues and repeat this, on a regular basis!

5. Attention; attitude; articulate: Those who have a positive attitude, can do it, have confidence in themselves, enough to focus on a central and meaningful message. Pay attention to what needs to be repeated and articulate it convincingly. Understand, one can repeat the same message, without seeming repetitive or boring!

6. Moment; trends; theme: Getting over it often becomes a matter of time, because different people pay attention at different times and in a variety of ways. Know what trends can help you communicate more effectively, but don’t deviate significantly from your central topic!

Repeating yourself, and being boring, doesn’t have to be the same! True leaders know how important it is REPEAT themselves, especially when it comes to a vision, goals, and / or priorities.

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