Who should end the conversation first when you text your ex?

When you start texting your ex after a breakup, your ex will respond in one of four ways:

1.) No response at all
2.) A neutral answer
3.) A positive response
4.) A negative answer

When you receive a response from your ex, the next question is how to properly handle your response in a way that doesn’t ruin your chances of getting back together. Sounds easy enough, but you need to be in moderation here or you can really screw things up.

Why restricted?

You need restraint and self-control because when you haven’t talked to your ex in a while and you suddenly respond to their text messages (especially if you’re doing it in a positive way), your first instinct will be to get into a long drawn out conversation with them. You’ll be so happy to hear from them that you’ll want to keep texting them while they’re talking to you.

This seems logical, right? I mean they are talking to you and they seem happy about it, so why would you want to end the conversation?

It may seem logical, but it’s not a good way to evoke the feelings in your ex that will make him want you back. Whenever you try to text your ex in your life, you always want to be the first to end the conversation. Here are 3 reasons why …

1.) By being the first to end the conversation and ending it early (before it dies on its own), you make your ex miss you and yearn for you more. They can’t “fill up” on you, which makes them look forward to the next conversation.

2.) Ending the conversation first gives you the power to end things on a high note.

After you and your ex have shared a fun time or positive memory, you can end the conversation and their mind will turn to those positive feelings for you. If you wait too long or drag out the conversation, you run the risk of ending up in a fight or becoming boring and monotonous, causing your ex’s mind to focus on those negative or neutral feelings for you.

3.) It makes you look confident and not needy or desperate.

When you text your ex and end the conversation first, you come across as a confident person who has places to be and people to see. It shows your ex that you’re not just sitting down desperate and needy, trying to win every last second you can with him or begging him to keep talking to you.

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