What Is Rapid Weight Loss?

Weight Loss

Unexplained weight loss is often defined as the unexpected loss of more than 10% of whole body weight in a short period of time. This would be equivalent to an average 200 pounds individual losing 10 pounds over a month or an average 130 pound individual losing 6 pounds over a year. For some people, unexplained weight loss might occur because of a simple change in their diet and exercise routine. For others, the sudden drop could be related to medical conditions or medications.

The consumption of refined carbs has been found to cause rapid weight loss. Refined carbs are foods like white bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, and any type of bread made with refined flour. These foods increase the blood sugar level within a few hours after consumption. As the blood sugar increases, the rate at which the body burns fat is also increased making it harder for the body to retain any weight.

Weight Loss – Journey from 83 to 59 Kg

Another way that weight loss may occur is by eating more frequently. This method is called “calorie cycling”. You eat more frequently in order to burn more calories. This method is highly effective if you are trying to lose weight fast. You can continue eating even when you are not feeling well since your metabolism will be working at a higher level.

What Is Rapid Weight Loss?

If you are trying to lose weight slowly, you should eat less every day and slowly increase your caloric intake every 2 pounds per week. You can slowly start increasing your calorie intake until you reach your target weight. Your goal should be to eat less than you burn in a given time.


The other method of rapid weight loss may be through the use of medical procedures. One such procedure is called bariatric surgery. This procedure involves placing or surgically removing an individual’s stomach so that they will have to eat less. Bariatric surgery is usually recommended to people with certain medical problems, but you should first talk with your doctor before you undergo this procedure.

Losing weight is difficult for most people, and this can lead to a number of medical problems. Rapid weight loss may help you feel better, however, the most important thing for you to do is to stick to your weight loss plan. Losing significant weight can take time, and you should eat a healthy, balanced diet and engage in regular physical activity. This will help you achieve the results that you want.

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