What are wooden gutters greased with?

Wooden gutters need to be oiled regularly, or they can dry out and crack. They can also become saturated with water and rot. I don’t think I’ve ever seen wood gutters on a house without at least some rot! So what are you supposed to cover your gutters with? Here are your options with my personal recommendations.

Motor oil

Used motor oil always seems to be the favorite of the old do it yourself. What’s not to like? used motor oil is free. Motor oil actually works very well. The problem is that this type of oil can travel through the gutter and come out the other side. Once it comes out the other side, it will cause the paint to peel off and then you won’t be able to stick a new coat of paint.

Tar/cement for roofing

I used to routinely patch gutters with tar. Since every wooden gutter contained at least some tar, I assumed tar was “in”. I eventually learned that tar retains moisture and causes wood to rot. I made a promise never to use roofing cement for any application. It’s so incredibly messy that if a small amount of this stuff falls on your floor, it will spread throughout your house like a virus. You won’t even know where it came from! As for wooden gutters, tar is a product only used by hobbyists. Some people cover all their gutters with this material.

wood preservatives

This category includes wooden condoms such as Clear Cuprinol and woodlife. These products work great and last for years. You must reapply every 4 to 5 years.

boiled flax oil

I used to coat wooden gutters in boiled linseed oil all the time. I figured this was the way to go since every reputable gutter expert said to use it. I started to notice that unboiled flax oil dries to a film. This film will retain moisture and potentially cause rot, just like tar does.

no boil seed (raw)

I find crude linseed oil to be one of the best products for coating gutters. Unlike boiled crude linseed oil, it does not contain solvents that cause it to dry out and harden. When crude oil is applied to wood, it remains wet. Creates a seal that prevents moisture from being trapped in the wood, while also creating a barrier that keeps rainwater out. If you regularly clean your gutters, no-boil linseed oil will last as long as Clear Cuprinol. It is also cheap and easy to apply..

So what is my recommendation?

In my experience, crude flaxseed oil is the way to go, with Clear Cuprinol arriving in a close second. As far as roofing cement goes, stay away from it.

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