Two Ways to Make Your Bathroom Appear Bigger

When you’re remodeling a bathroom, sometimes there’s no way to increase the physical space. However, just because it’s “landlocked” don’t think that means you have no way to make the bathroom look bigger.

Consider these two relatively simple ways to make your new bathroom appear larger than it actually is.

1. Creative color. When you paint the ceiling a lighter color than what you use for the walls, it gives the impression that the ceiling is higher. You will feel that you have more space. Following that idea, adding a darker colored floor creates the sensation of dropped flooring, which visually increases the size of the room.

2. Take advantage of lighting. By having your lighting directed upwards, you can visually expand your bathroom. If recessed lighting is something you’re thinking about, consider a spotlight bulb instead of a reflector bulb to distribute light more evenly. If your ceiling is high enough, adding a chandelier over the tub can create a very luxurious feel to your bathroom. As a general rule, rooms that are 12 feet wide should not have a fixture larger than 24 inches in diameter.

To set the mood for your bathroom, accent lighting can be used to draw attention to certain features in the bathroom and make it appear larger. As an example, indirect or accent lighting could highlight the crown molding in the ceiling.

Discuss ideas with your contractor. He may have some other ideas that will help you get more out of your limited space.

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