Top 5 ways to commemorate your dog

Any dog ​​owner will tell you that the pain of losing their beloved pet is often unbearable. It’s not like losing a pet, it’s like losing an immediate family member. Our dogs are always faithful companions who offer us unconditional love. They deserve to be commemorated just as a human being is often commemorated, so with that in mind, here are my top five ways to do just that.

1. Create a website

We live in an increasingly digital world, so what better way to remember your dog, or any other pet, than by creating a website. You can include favorite memories and pictures to document your dog’s life with you and your family.

2. Commission A ‘Precious Stone’

If you are interested in creating a piece of jewelry to commemorate your dog, you may want to investigate some of the many services that will allow you to use your pet’s remains to create a “gemstone” that can then be set into a piece of jewelry. . Alternatively, you can use the ashes in glass to produce an ornament.

3. Make a donation in their name

Chances are the thing you love and miss most about your four-legged companion is their capacity for unconditional love. Why not spread that love by making a donation to a local dog rescue shelter or animal charity in your friend’s name? This donation will help other dogs find their human companions.

4. Buy a memorial headstone

Whether you’re burying your dog’s remains or ashes at home or in a remembrance garden somewhere, you may feel the need to place some sort of marker at the site. Instead of opting for a traditional headstone, you can choose from a wide range of decorative stones and statues that can be engraved with a name and/or personal message. If your dog is going to be buried in your own yard, these stones can be removed and brought with you in case he moves house.

5. Have a professionally painted portrait

Another great way to remember your dog is to commission an artist to paint a portrait of him. Look for an artist who specializes in animal portraiture to really capture the likeness. You might even ask if they’ll mix some of the dog’s ashes into the paint; in fact, some artists specialize in this service.

These are just some of the ways you can choose to commemorate your dog. If all this seems a bit excessive to you, you can simply buy a nice decorative urn and use it to store your dog’s remains. No matter how you choose to remember your dog, he will always be a part of your heart.

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