Top 4 Tips for an Effective Pay Per Click Campaign in 2018

Last year we improved a number of campaigns. We found that 2018 will be the year that PPC will explode. Google organic search results are dropping and PPC is still one of the ways you can get the best Google search result for your desired keyword. Here I am going to give you 4 important tips to improve your pay-per-click campaign in a convenient way. Then let’s get started

1. Make use of the call-only campaign

The call-only campaign is the best way to reduce the cost of your advertising. In this campaign, a call extension is added in your ads. When someone searches for the desired keyword they are targeting, they see a callout option. The call-only campaign helps people call you directly without going to your website.

2. Test the copy of different ads

Test new ads that get copied frequently, and then select the best one that works well for the way you get the impression and the leads.

3. Target a specific device

Most digital marketers run their PPC campaign before knowing their audience and this is the main reason for their failure. Before starting a new campaign, ask yourself who is the right audience for your campaign and what device they use between mobile, laptop or tablet. After knowing your target audience and their device, set up a campaign and create a beautiful landing page to capture leads.

4. Use a long-tail keyword

Long Tail Keyword are those keywords that have a combination of 4 or more words. If you use these types of keywords in your campaign, the cost of obtaining leads for your campaign is reduced because these keywords have less competition and are less expensive.

These are the top 4 tips for PPC marketing to maximize your bottom line in terms of leads. Hope you like this article, so if you have any more queries about digital marketing, you can put a comment below. Thanks!

SGM is one the best Digital Marketing Service Provider Company in Indore. We're also experts at finding the best spot between Google's guidelines and what is commercially right for you.

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We take client satisfaction in handing over only the best. And whatever we do, always measure, analyze and innovate new way.

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