Three caveats for anyone considering training with the iron palm

Iron palm training is one of the great skills of Chinese kung fu. It involves conditioning the hand so that one can hit hard without pain or damage. Someone who is an expert in the iron palm can hit something hard with the palm (for example, a pile of concrete blocks or the head of an opponent) and the blow will not only cause much more damage than a blow from an individual will not. trained, but also will not hurt the practitioner’s hand.

Training generally consists of hitting a duffel bag filled with different materials for a certain number of repetitions every day for the duration of the workout (months, years, the rest of your life). Over time, the material inside the bag changes as the practitioner becomes more conditioned. It usually starts with mung beans, after a few months it progresses to small rocks, and then if you want to move to the more advanced stage, you use a small granite of steel.

But someone wishing to learn this skill cannot just start hitting a bag every day and expect to safely develop the iron palm. In fact, here are three warnings that can prevent injury to you:

Drop your hand on the bag; don’t hit it hard – A mistake some people make afterwards watching iron palm workout, but not actually receive instruction is to start hitting the bag. In correct practice, the hand is dropped at approximately shoulder height onto the bag, which is generally at waist level. The hand is dropped and dropped gravely; one should not use additional force. This helps the practitioner to relax and prevent injury during training.

Don’t try to progress too fast – The slower the better. Less is more. Some people start out with too much volume, often hitting the iron bag in the palm of their hand for up to 30 minutes a day, which is too much for a beginner. Depending on the program, it is usually sufficient to start with around 30 strokes per hand per day (which will take much less than 30 minutes). Sometimes people also try to progress their training too quickly, such as adding more reps too quickly or going from the starting bag (mung beans) to the middle bag (steel shot) too quickly. As a general rule, if you are bruised or in pain after your workout, you are going too fast. And if any of those situations occur, you need to reduce training until you recover, slowing down your overall progress. Additionally, trying to test your brick-breaking skills too quickly can also lead to injury.

Don’t neglect the healing aspects – Correct iron palm training involves the use of liniment or ointment to help the hands heal after each training session. There are some training programs that involve running your hands under hot water for a time after training to aid circulation and healing. There is also a self-massage component, which also helps promote blood flow and break up any bruises that may be forming. This part of the training is very Important though, some people don’t do it because they aren’t aware of it or because it’s not as exciting as hitting the stock market. Over months of training, neglecting this healing component of training can not only cause you to progress more slowly in your conditioning, but can also result in injury.

The iron palm can be a great tool to add to your martial arts arsenal, but you must practice it safely to reap the best benefits. As always, practice under the guidance of an experienced instructor who can show you proper technique and correct your mistakes early.

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