The importance of brand and identity

When you hear the word “brand” it brings to mind a mental image of a rancher carving his brand into the hide of his cattle. Well, the brand of the product is not so painful, but it follows the same principle. He wants to “engrave” the image of his brand in the consumer’s mind.

Some examples of recognizable trademarks include the red, white, and blue “smiling” Pepsi logo, Nike’s infamous “swish,” Lexus’s sleek L-shaped oval, and McDonald’s golden arches. These icons represent established and emblazoned images in our minds.

So what is the difference between a logo and a brand? Some may call the aforementioned examples-logos, while others would refer to them as corporate trademarks. So what is the difference? Logos are an image or symbol that represents a person, place, or thing and is used as an identifier for a product or service in most cases. It can be equal to the “signature” of an individual.

Brands, on the other hand, would be like the “character” of an individual: it’s who you are, what you are and what you value. The brand of a company is really no different, it is literally the personality of the company, it manifests the personality of the owner, the board of directors, the shareholders or even the corporate culture.

Branding takes time, it is not something that is easily achieved overnight. Even the advertising gods are unable to make that happen. And it takes repeated exposure to be successful. Logos, the visual symbol of the brand, immediately communicate what the product or service has to offer and what reputation the company may have.

A definition of what a brand might be in the context of marketing might sound like this: “Brand is a long and persistent attempt to convey an idea, concept, or emotion in someone’s mind.” Or put another way, “brand identity should help establish a relationship between the brand and the customer by generating a value, a function, an emotion or a form of self-expression.”

There have been a multitude of studies conducted over the past two decades to assess brand awareness and brand exposure.

Depending on which study you’re referring to, the average person is exposed to consumer brands and commercial messages between 300 and 5,000 times a day, depending on individual habits. Just think about your commute to work this morning, how many billboards did you pass? What about commercial vehicles with signs? What about the passing businesses and their signage?

The brand is important because the stronger the brand, the easier the communication becomes. It’s like a snowball going downhill…it gets bigger as it rolls and gains more momentum.

It is the constant repetition of an idea, product or service, which eventually leads the customer to identify with your brand as an association. After all, Kleenex is a brand, but we use it as a generic term! Google is another example; You don’t look for things on the web, you “google” them.

So how does this relate to your company brand? Well, as you can see, it’s more than just a great looking logo; is to get your brand out there and communicate effectively and consistently. The main objective of a strategic marketing plan for your brand is to generate name recognition and positive opinions about your product or service so that your target audience thinks of your company when they need your services. It’s all about how your brand is perceived. If your product or service is perceived negatively, your brand risks losing ground among your customers and future customers. On the other hand, if your brand is perceived positively… business success is likely to follow. Your brand must convey a sense of value and provide an emotional experience to the audience you want to reach.

Let’s take a look at some perception examples. Wal-Mart is perceived as a low-cost leader and value retailer, while Macy’s “star” projects a more upscale image and quality products at higher prices. The Lexus LS sedan is perceived as a luxury vehicle, while the Ford Taurus is considered lower in cost and quality. Each of these examples appeals to the wishes of the target demographic.

These examples illustrate how brands can target select groups of people and communicate their messages effectively. Each one is perceived differently and each conveys a different emotion.

So how do you go about creating a strong brand that becomes a household name? One word… consistency. Many companies use tricks, games and gadgets. And that’s fine. Engaging and entertaining your customers is great, however, only if it meets the goal of increasing brand awareness and ultimately making a sale.

To finish, think about your company’s brand and answer a few questions… how do you think your customers perceive your brand? Does your target audience recognize it? If not, what changes should you make to ensure they do?

Whether from scratch or if your brand is already established, the branding of your product or service matters. It takes persistence, perseverance and a lot of patience.

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