The homebrew bottle: advantages of using PET beer bottles over traditional glass

If you’re in the market to start home brewing, or if you’ve already started, there are several facets of the process worth considering, such as the type of container you’d like to use. However, once you’ve decided between kegs or bottles, you still have to narrow down from there. For example, if you opt for a homebrew bottle instead of the keg, you have a choice of glass or plastic. This article is going to focus on the advantages of using PET bottles and how they can benefit you in each circumstance.

The first advantage of using plastic for your home brew bottle is that PET has a cost advantage, as plastic is usually less expensive than glass. This is always a benefit for anyone, but especially for those new to the brewing process. The reason is because there are other costs involved in the startup, as there are in any new project. However, saving money in areas that won’t affect the bottom line will allow you to spend a bit more on other equipment. It’s always good to cut costs where possible, as long as you don’t sacrifice the quality of your product.

PET, a material often used in a variety of bottles other than a homebrew bottle, is also lighter. This allows for easier handling during the brewing process as well as transfer from one location to another. Imagine lugging full bottles up a few flights of stairs. The difference in weight between the PET homebrew bottle and the glass version will have an impact, especially when they are full. You can make it easier for yourself by using plastic.

Safety is beneficial with the use of PET

Perhaps the most significant difference between a PET homebrew bottle and one made from glass is that they are shatterproof. While this is a noticeable difference for everyday use, think how valuable it would be in environments where bottles could easily break, like the beach, pool, parks, transportation, and even storage. For example, if you’re lounging around the pool, you can enjoy a cold beer without worrying about your bottle breaking on the concrete with your vulnerable bare feet.

A plastic homebrew bottle is also more convenient when it comes to storage. Since it’s lighter and less likely to break, you can store them anywhere you can find space. Most people have limited storage and struggle to find enough space to store anything, especially something as fragile as glass. However, available storage is less limiting for even one bottle of homebrew, let alone an entire batch of them, if you choose to use PET bottles instead of glass.

So you can see that the advantages of a PET bottle system are numerous and worth looking into. Whether the motive is cost, convenience, or safety, choosing plastic makes sense for at least part of home brewing. If you’d rather not make a complete switch to the PET homebrew bottle concept, there’s no reason you can’t use both. Simply use the plastic for when it is most beneficial and save the glass for other times. Whatever you decide, home brewing is an enjoyable experience.

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