The effectiveness of the contraceptive implant as contraception

The contraceptive implant is a contraceptive device that is inserted under the skin.

As a contraceptive method, the contraceptive implant is a long-lasting option that a woman does not have to commit to every day, but is a highly effective contraceptive method for three years.

Like the birth control shot, the hormone progestogen is delivered into the bloodstream. However, the delivery method is different. The contraceptive implant takes the form of a small, flexible plastic rod the size of a matchstick. The implant is placed just under the skin on the inner side of the upper arm, usually the non-dominant arm.

Insertion of the contraceptive implant is considered a minor surgical procedure and is performed by a physician under local anesthesia. The implant cannot be seen but can be felt under the skin.

As a method of birth control, the birth control implant works by constantly releasing small amounts of hormones to circulate in the bloodstream, preventing pregnancy.

The hormone prevents a woman’s ovaries from producing an egg each month and also thickens the mucus in the cervix, making it difficult for sperm to pass.

The advantage of the contraceptive implant is that it is an effective and inexpensive method of contraception for three years. The woman does not have to remember to use contraception every day. The implant is a private and discreet contraceptive method that does not interfere with sexual intercourse and allows spontaneity. Implant contraception can also be used while breastfeeding.

As with other forms of contraception, there can be some side effects that can include headaches, acne, weight gain, breast tenderness, nausea, and mood swings. This does not protect against sexually transmitted infections, HIV / AIDS, or hepatitis B.

The most common disadvantage is changes in the menstrual cycle: the bleeding will become irregular and unpredictable. Most women will bleed less, but some may experience longer and more frequent periods.

Although the contraceptive implant can be used for up to three years, it can be removed at any time within the three-year period, in case the woman wishes to become pregnant or decides to use another form of contraception.

The implant must be removed by a doctor under local anesthesia through a small incision that can leave a small scar.
Fertility generally resumes very quickly after removal of the contraceptive implant with undetectable hormone levels after just three days, and most women will ovulate within a month.

It is suitable for women who have a hard time remembering to take birth control pills, or who cannot take the hormone estrogen, or who do not like other forms of contraception. If you are willing to accept changes in your menstrual cycle, the contraceptive implant will suit a woman who wants an effective, long-lasting and reversible method of contraception.

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