The best Sonicare toothbrush for sensitive gums

The gums become tender and painful when they become infected. If this situation is not corrected soon, it can progress to receding gums. You will notice a clear area of ​​separation between the gums and the roots of the teeth, which will lead to infections and weakening.

When germs leak into the space and spread to the gums, they cause a condition called gingivitis. This can be caused by many different types of bacteria or fungi. Bleeding gums can also be the result of ulceration or damage to the surface of the gums.

Food particles that get lodged in the hard-to-reach crevices between your teeth can be removed by brushing with an electric toothbrush.

Studies have found that using the right electric toothbrush for receding teeth can help reduce plaque by 21%. This is a big problem.

The higher cost of an electric toothbrush is often cited as a major drawback. On the other hand, choosing the right electric toothbrush for receding gums ensures that you will prevent gum recession, infection and progression.

Smart timers with quad pacer notifications ensure you brush thoroughly for the three minutes most dentists recommend for oral hygiene and sparkling white teeth. Younger users often get distracted and leave a session sooner, so this is useful for children.

Brush heads are interchangeable across the range of top Sonicare toothbrush models. This means that the same handle or device can be shared between different users. Also, depending on your needs at different times, another brush head can be attached quickly and conveniently.

If you have read or seen any reviews, you already know that it is easy to recharge the battery. All you have to do is plug the handle into a charging station. A double beep alerts you that the process is underway. Overnight the battery will restore to full charge. Meanwhile, the orange LED will keep flashing.

A long-lasting lithium-ion battery (56 minutes on a full recharge), a sturdy travel case, and a compact, lightweight device that can be easily stored and packed make the Philips Sonicare ProtectiveClean 4100 an ideal electric toothbrush for travel .

When the battery runs out, you will receive an indication through an LED located on the handle of the toothbrush. It glows bright green when fully charged and flashes when only partially charged. When the LED indicator turns amber, it’s time to recharge the battery.

If you start brushing your teeth without charging the device, you will hear 3 audible beeps to remind you that only limited power is available. Cleaning may also become less forceful as the battery depletes.”

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