The Advantages of Same-Day STD Testing

According to the American Social Health Organization, there are approximately 18.9 million new cases of STDs, excluding HIV, occurring each year in the US. More than half of all people in the world will be infected with an STD at some point in your life. However, only a handful of them will get an STD test. STD testing is important to ensure no infections are present and you are not spreading the disease to others.

Often there are no symptoms that show up when you have an STD. If symptoms are present, STD testing at STD clinics is recommended. If they do occur, symptoms may include one or more of the following: lumps, sores, or warts near the mouth, anus, or genitals, swelling or redness near the genitals, skin rash, painful urination, weight loss, loose stools soft and sweatshirts

Because STDs are often asymptomatic, don’t assume you or your partner isn’t infected just because you don’t show any symptoms. An STD can be present for years before it becomes symptomatic, and by then the STD has progressed, so the only way to know for sure if you or your partner has an STD is to get an STD test.

Same-day STD testing is a very simple process. When you call an STD clinic, you will speak anonymously with one of their experienced STD testing counselors about your symptoms and other concerns. They will ask you questions about your risk factors and other relevant information. After evaluating the diseases for which you may be at risk, you will be asked to come to their clinic to have some tests done for those conditions.

All tests include free pre-test and post-test counseling to ensure the right form of test for your case. STD testing at STD testing clinics is 100% confidential, accurate, and best of all, affordable. Private and confidential testing is their top priority and live counselors with years of experience helping people in the same situation as you will determine if you are at risk. Take control of your health today by getting tested at STD clinics.

There are four easy steps:
1) talk to the health advisor
2) ask for your tests
3) visit the STD clinic
4) and call them for the results.

There are thousands of STD testing locations that can be found throughout the country.

For specific STDs, you can also get tested like HIV and get your results in just one day. In fact, with this same-day express HIV test, you can get tested in as little as one hour from the time you call your local STD testing center. Rapid HIV (AIDS) tests are offered around the clock and even on weekends, making them extremely affordable for you. There are also other rapid tests that you can get at an STD clinic. For more details and information, call or visit the STD clinic nearest you. Remember, it is always better to be safe than sorry; and in the case of STDs, sorry means fatal.

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