Ten Tips for Caring for Your Peacock Orchids

Peacock orchids, known botanically and sold as “Acidanthera”, are a fairly rare sight in gardens, but they are some of the most enticingly fragrant flowers to plant. Its elegant white petals and maroon to purple throat are highly attractive to experienced and novice gardeners alike.

Acidanthera is very easy to care for, so its low maintenance is particularly attractive to people who want to plant beautiful, fragrant flowers but don’t have a lot of time to care for them.

It is important to note that this flower is not an orchid, but rather is related to the gladiolus and the iris.

Of course, it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the growing requirements and visual advantages of Peacock Orchids. When you look at your Acidanthera after you’ve grown it a time or two, you’ll know if something is wrong, if it’s ‘complaining’ about soil that’s too wet, or if its need for lots of sun isn’t being met.

1. Make sure the soil you plant your Acidanthera in is soil that drains well enough that the roots of the flowers (or the bulbs when planted) do not rest in water. Peacock orchids hate standing water!

Also make sure the soil is at least 4 inches deep to allow for root growth.

2. Your peacock orchids will thrive in the sunniest spot you can provide them. The sun does not need to shine 16 hours a day, but the more sun, the more fragrant the flowers will become. Partial shade is fine though! With Acidanthera you can turn up the heat!

3. Do not place your peacock orchids with other scented flowers such as lilies. They are fragrant, but you don’t want the wonderfully clean fragrance to clash with other scents in the garden. Acidanthera can be combined with low-growing foliage like hostas, as the stems reach 2-3 feet and droop lovingly over lower-growing weeds.

4. Use tweezers or other small instrument to keep weeds and other invasive roots/plants from getting near your fragrant peacock orchids. You do not want to allow your fragrant Acidanthera to become stunted in any way.

5. The PH of your peacock orchid soil should be acidic to neutral (clay is fine!). You can get a soil PH test kit at many garden stores or online, ask your garden expert to recommend the necessary substances to balance the PH of your soil if necessary.

6. Keep your peacock orchids out of strong winds if possible. Wind protection is easily achieved by planting the fragrant flowers in clusters of at least 5, and preferably at least 10. Acidanthera is definitely a group flower!

7. Your peacock orchids are perfect for planting between rocks as a wonderful visual and aromatic display, and can also be grown against walls that reflect heat.

8. Don’t worry about deer gobbling up your Acidanthera, these wonderfully fragrant white flowers are known to be resistant to deer as well as rabbits.

9. Remember that your peacock orchids, while requiring virtually no care, are a living, breathing creation. So follow the simple instructions outlined above and you will be rewarded with several weeks of beautiful scented blooms 2.5-3 months after planting.

10. Enjoy Acidanthera with your eyes and nose!

That’s it! These ten tips for growing your peacock orchids will help you grow healthy, sensuous blooms that will have your neighbors staring (and smelling) with enthusiasm.

Internet fragrant flower groups or library books can be a great source of information if you want to learn more about your fragrant friend.

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