take your cat camping

My cat Trouble has accompanied me every year for two or three weeks straight on road camping trips of thousands of miles. He has been to Yellowstone National Park, Teton, Glacier National Park, Yosemite, Sequoia and Great Basin National Parks. We’ve explored beaches from Astoria, Washington to Carpinteria, California.

Taking a cat camping will be different from taking a dog. Dogs enjoy the car ride, cats cry for an hour at first, but usually calm down after a while. It helps to have a litter box in the car if possible so you don’t wonder if that’s the reason for the fuss. Dogs like to get out and see new places upon arrival, cats generally take their time getting comfortable before they even want to get out of the car. Dogs will appreciate a walk on the beach, the trail or around the campsite, a cat will prefer to sit on a rock or table and watch, or stay safely inside the tent looking through the door.

But you can take your cat with you, you just have to keep these differences in mind when dealing with your pet. It’s best if your cat has been wearing a halter and leash since he was young, like Trouble has, so if you have a kitten, get started right away. If you have an older cat, see if you can get him to adjust. As long as you don’t try to walk them (you can’t walk a cat, they walk you, or you end up dragging them) any cat should be fine, just on a leash so they don’t run away. and get lost

Since cats can’t really be taken for walks, a pet stroller is very useful, I often use it on trails and beaches. Around camp he is on the leash to keep him safe, I often let him explore while I am on the other end of the leash, he really enjoys exploring this way.

Make sure his tent is secure at night, have a blanket for him to sleep in and water and food, as well as a litter box, so he won’t be disturbed. Trouble likes to eat at night and moves from my bed to the floor and back again. Cats are nocturnal, so they will enjoy the night outdoors with you much more than during the day, but make sure they can’t sneak out or leave the tent at night, when they are likely to disappear.

Some things I have found over the years when camping with your pets include:

1. Have a bag for all of your pet’s necessities, bowls, food, treats, leashes, harnesses, collars, comb, brush, toys, medications, and shot records. So you have it all together.

2. Always keep your pet on a leash or tied, and make sure the harness you are wearing cannot be pulled. You never know when they might get scared or want to go after some little critter. Don’t let them get lost.

3. Have your pet microchipped and have a tag on the harness with their cell phone number.

4. Make sure vaccinations are up to date

5. If you’re planning an activity where you won’t be able to take your pet with you during your trip, make arrangements in advance to board them during the day.

6. Bring a family blanket, so they will feel at home.

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