Surrender to fullness

I discovered something that works for me and that I would like to share. Feel the energy behind the words. Please remember that despite all that I give in expression, understand that I am providing a menu of opportunities, not a dictation or limiting positionality. Nothing is up for debate. The debate arises from the awareness of duality. I am speaking from, to, and about unity consciousness. So, use whatever resonates or is helpful and let the rest happen for now.

I am going to describe a surrender application that has been useful to me. The surrender of the separate self is a function of the calibration of the part to the whole. For me, calibration means focusing with the center of all centers. It is in tune with God. It is fusion with the Spirit. It is part of consciousness, or individualized Spirit, merging or one with infinite consciousness.

When I surrender to God / Source / Spirit, I offer my body, mind, heart and soul. I ask the Spirit to integrate itself into every aspect of my being, or into every dimension of my undivided sense of myself. First, I address God, or Spirit, directly. I tell God things like, “Use my feet to get me where You want to go. Use my voice to say Your words. Use my heart to radiate unconditional love. Use my hands to do Your work. Use my mind to deliver Your immaculate ideas. . Use my soul to deliver Unconditional Love. I fully integrate the Spirit into my being so that I can perceive, reflect and radiate the Spirit purely. “

Second, I put each dimension of this being in order. I give myself body to mind, mind to heart, heart to soul and soul to spirit. I do it genuinely with a deep love for God. I can intuitively perceive that the body is a radiant aspect of the mind. The mind is an aspect of consciousness that focuses or expands, like an eye, that is subordinate to the heart. The heart symbolizes the nucleus, the door to infinity, the instrument that perceives the feeling or direct communication with the soul or the spiritual dimension of the Divine. The heart is the place of the zero point. It unites all aspects of the Self and is a portal to other dimensions.

Third, I let go of the limitations of consciousness. I surrender my own selfish desires; I offer my old thought and feeling patterns to purify myself. In a state of complete humility, I see that everything I thought was “I” or “Mine” was an illusion based on limited perspective and distorted perception. I really feel humility deep down. The old ego-me concept flies away and I see Spirit within me as the Life that I AM. The truth is, I know who I really AM. We all do it when we go to the depths of our being. The cause and sustainer of life is behind everything.

Fourth, I practice gratitude. I am grateful for every experience I have had. I am no longer condemned by judgment, guilt or shame. I am swimming in the unconditional love of the True Self. The True Self, or Spirit, knows the purpose of everything. It is not even possible to judge in this space. The eye of observation transmutes the energy of experience, or the lead of dark unclaimed potential, into the everlasting joy and bliss of exposed wisdom. Let there be light!

Although some may interpret surrender as weakness or defeat, it is not. It is the supreme act of accepting the greatness of the whole Being. It is the victory of the power of the Spirit. The nature of the Spirit is the truth. It is perceived as an internal knowledge. There is a feeling of conviction. This type of surrender provides a conscious union with all of Spirit and expands consciousness. Knowing insights and insights opens up a huge bandwidth, or channel, to the perception of creativity and cool ideas.

There is union through communion. The humble spirit does not take credit for what it receives. He realizes that what was once thought of as “me” is not. What was once considered “mine” is not. What was once thought of as “I” is not.

The consciousness of intelligence gives birth to the light of the innermost being. Love’s agent of change transforms self-reference. It eradicates taking credit for the work of the creature or instrument of divine intelligence. It is a higher consciousness that advances perception. In the course of our evolution, this will eventually be achieved.

There could be a long esoteric discourse on the holographic universe and how it uses alliteration, or the duplication of sound patterns and its fractal display of light in a toroidal flow, but that is not necessary to use this internal technology for positive purposes. You could understand part of the entire resonance and expansion of consciousness if you want to delve into the den of scientific knowledge. However, simple jobs. You don’t have to be an electrician to flip a switch and turn on the light.

The repetition helps to anchor in the new consciousness that generates the tuning or calibration with the whole. Is very powerful. Maintaining higher vibrations and activating internal technologies that increase intuitive awareness is of vital importance.

Setting intentions backed by willpower also works well. Set an intention like this: “I intend that I AM attuned, centered, integrated, aligned, and balanced with the totality of Spirit that I AM.”

Blessings on your way to full and permanent enlightenment. Glory and gratitude to God!

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