Scholarships for Single Moms – Free College Scholarships for Single Moms

In today’s tough economic environment, single moms now more than ever have taken on the stress of having to raise a family and make ends meet. That’s why so many single moms have chosen to take the opportunity to advance by going back to college, and with the birth of President Obama’s program that awards scholarships to get them back to school, now is the best time ever to step up. themselves going back to school.

So what exactly is this free grant all about?

In the first term of his presidency, the president passed a bill that increased the amount of Federal Pell Grants to $5,012 per semester, with the promise of a larger increase by 2012. He directly addressed that all single mothers should go back to college to continue their education and have more doors open for them in the workforce.

Right now, these grants are available to any single mom who wants to enroll in college and finish an educational program, all she has to do is fill out a FAFSA, choose a degree program on campus or online, and submit documentation. adequate.

For many single moms, being able to join an educational program online will allow them to spend more time with their children, reduce daycare costs, and earn their degree or certification on their own free time.

Other benefits of this program are that single moms can get a tax break of up to $4,000 a year based on their school expenses, and they won’t have to pay the money back in the future once they’ve completed their program.

So any single mom who wants to get help with the Obama grants for the single moms program should hurry up and apply by filling out an online FAFSA, choosing a program, and starting a new path to financial security for themselves and themselves. his family.

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