Review of the best seller book, A Fighter’s Heart

When one thinks of athletes’ backgrounds in the sports of boxing, mixed martial arts, and kickboxing, it is very rare for someone to think of a former Harvard student as an expert in that field. However, that’s the case with author Sam Sheridan, who wrote a novel a few years ago called A Fighter’s Heart. As mentioned above, Sheridan graduated from Harvard and while in school at the Ivy League college he became involved in boxing, sparking an increased interest in boxing sports. The novel describes Sheridan and the sports she covers as she travels the world to get an idea of ​​why people fight and the mentality of the competitors. One of the drawbacks of combat sports is that many times, on the mats that people train on, they can get an infection such as toenail fungus, as the mats are not clean. This may result in the need to use a fungal toenail laser treatment or a Long Island nail fungus treatment. Along the way, you also experience the different sports for yourself, completely immersing yourself in the culture of the sport you are shaping right now. A fairly simple and very intriguing read, it’s no wonder A Fighter’s Heart was once on many different bestseller lists.

The novel begins with Sheridan briefly explaining her interest in fighting sports and her background. After graduating from a prestigious preparatory school on the East Coast, he entered the Merchant Navy for a time to serve in the military. After that adventure, he went to Harvard and graduated in art. Fresh out of Harvard, Sheridan took a boat trip around the world on a family friend’s yacht and ended up in Australia. Australia is the setting for Sheridan to realize that what she really wants to do is explore the culture of fighting. When working out in a gym in Australia in the art of kickboxing, Sheridan is told that training in a gym in Thailand for Muay Thai, a form of kickboxing, for a few months is worth years at any other school in any other country.

Needless to say, Sheridan ends up going to Thailand. By working out in one of the most famous gyms, called the Fairtex gym, Sheridan uncovers some incredible facts and gets a top-notch workout. Sheridan discovers that Muay Thai is a way out of poverty for many people, much like boxing in the United States, and that fighters usually start fighting at the age of six or seven and are considered to be at their peak. maximum at seventeen. After participating in a Muay Thai fight of his own, which he wins, Sheridan returns to the United States.

The novel continues as Sheridan travels to Oakland to train and collect the brain of an Olympic boxing medalist and then moves on to Rio de Janeiro and subsequently Japan to work on Brazilian jiu jitsu with famous heavyweight mixed martial artist Antonia Rodrigo Noguiera. The bottom of the book for many people; This is when Sheridan talks about dog fighting and how it is popular in many different countries. Despite his attempts to explain it as a dog showing love for its owner, there really is nothing that can take away the disgusting brutality and folly of dogfighting and it really taints the book that is even mentioned.

Despite the obvious low point, the novel is still an excellent and highly satisfying read for those who are already interested in combat sports and people who may be looking to learn more.

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